The two that did help, (Thomas+House) we let go.
Since you keep bringing this up, it's worth noting that Bell was a FA signing who has been pretty good. Everyone else on your list, except for Banks, was for a minimum contract. Minimum-wage 12th men almost never contribute anything, so that's not really a strike against Suns management.
e, i don't entirely agree with your assessment. if we currently have marks, piatkowski, banks, jumaine jones, rose, and burke on our roster not all of them are 12th men. with kt's injury they all move up a level also. so that means that right now these guys represent the 8th - 13th guys. and regardless of what they get paid, and regardless of d'antoni's truncated rotation, at least one, maybe two, of these are guys that we
should (i am a proponent of not burning out your starters during the season) and
might have to (if another injury occurs) rely on. they don't look that good in that light, do they?
i'll be the first to admit, i liked the banks, rose, and jujones signings at their respective times. but i'm not paid to wear the GM hat. coach d is. and those decisions look just flat out bad in retrospect.