While reading an article on the Phoenix Suns, I came across this little tidbit. Maybe the problem runs deeper then we think.
The Arizona Republic, April 14, 2003 (portion of the original article)
Along the way, it has also been a season that has drawn Colangelo's heart back from Bank One Ballpark. He won't say as much, but his baseball team has let him down this season. Not on the field, but in the way it refused to honor his original autograph policy.
On some level, the Diamondbacks fought Colangelo on what seemed to be a simple request. Union pressure or not, they made him reverse field. He expected more from a group that he's given such personalized attention.
The Arizona Republic, April 14, 2003 (portion of the original article)
Along the way, it has also been a season that has drawn Colangelo's heart back from Bank One Ballpark. He won't say as much, but his baseball team has let him down this season. Not on the field, but in the way it refused to honor his original autograph policy.
On some level, the Diamondbacks fought Colangelo on what seemed to be a simple request. Union pressure or not, they made him reverse field. He expected more from a group that he's given such personalized attention.