Docket mouths off


Oct 18, 2008
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Oh, you mean like Pittsburgh with Alan Faneca and Joey Porter?

This was handled well. Their bitching did them no good; they did not get renewed because Pitt does not overpay. They were cut early enough in the FA timeframe so that they could get the $ they wanted elsewhere.


Frank Kaminsky is my Hero.
Apr 2, 2005
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South Bay
What do rappers always say, "don't hate the player, hate the game."

This is the way the league is. Players get cut when they under perform, and I'm fine with that. I don't see very many instances of productive players getting cut when they produce, so I don't see much merit behind the argument that owners can cut whoever they want. Don't forget that these same players still walk away with guaranteed money. Tearing up a contract 40% of the way through sets a bad precedence for the rest of the team.

If the players have a problem with it, they need to hire a union president that will take a hard stance on guaranteed contracts.


Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
Team loyalty is rare but this crap is tiresome.



"lied to..."


Blah. How about showing some loyalty to the team that got you to the point you are now?


Supporting Member
May 15, 2002
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Plymouth, UK
There are 2 sides to this contract nonsense., its not as one sided as some make out

Sure the team can cut a player but that's why the player gets a signing bonus.

On the other side, the player gets a big signing bonus then decides to dog it to protect his body after retirement, just like Shaun Alexander.

Seems to me it works both ways and that isn't counting the fact that most of us could retire on 1 of these signing bonuses


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Man are we back to the Bidwill's are cheap this soon after a Superbowl ?

That didn't take long

well, it is 20 days later and the front office has, thus far, accomplished nothing. not saying it's because their cheap, but if i cry that graves stinks you'll shoot that down too. guess it's all the players' faults.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Jeez, there is so much here to comment on, where to start? Pro Football is a business. The players know that. When they open their traps, instead of being a Good Ol' Boy and tow the line company guy they come under all kinds of scrutiny from both the public and from management. Much of the time it is well deserved scrutiny.

Is anyone holding a gun to their heads saying they have to sign an extension, or even a totally reworked deal from their rookie contracts?! If the deal is too freaking long in the first place, why are they being counseled to go ahead with their deals from their shrewd agents?

You can go rant against the Bidwells from here to kingdom come. But nowadays gettin' mine is definately a two way street. Athletes better reco-nise that when they enter into a contract that it CAN and in most all instances IS binding.

Owners need to reco-nise that if a team becomes successful (which is what Docketts' rant is about) that the players on that team come first, before any money is shelled out outside the organization.

I think the Bidwells, Graves and everyone in the org. has a handle on the issues, and they will be settled one by one. They are also not looking to bring in any body really in FA and definitely won't be in any bidding wars for players services. That is definitely the way to go here.

Dockett should bide his time a little more carefully though. If the org. is prudent in shelling out it's CAP money, it might mean that they indeed have a better chance at getting back to his situation sooner, than if they don't pay the fair market value on players services. Remember that this org. is the one that gave Warner his chance when most all had given up on him. Some prop's to ownership for making good judgements is in order here as well.

As far as being stingy with the CAP allowance, I think that especially since moving into the new stadium, we are in a new era and the team/mgmt. has stepped up to the plate, spent the available money, WHILE keeping the team competitive going forward. Why on Gods Earth, do you think why the org. has over 40M in CAP room this year? They brought in who they could and didn't back load the deals. If they had, Dockett's rant would be moot, because there wouldn't be any extra money at all. That's how organizations like the Redskins, Raiders and Titans got into so much trouble and wound up having to dump multiple players. The Titans have recovered nicely , mainly through the draft and coaching , but others haven't been as lucky.

No this team is in the cat bird seat, to steal a phrase recently used , because of prudent financial decisions. They will continue to, when available to reward their starters for success by the team on the field (W's) and those players contributions to that success, even though their time isn't up yet, but only because they know it's sound business to proceed and reward that player. But as far as that player being "owed" , that's highly debatable. If the player is unsatisfied with his status (contract) he should look no further than the mirror or the agent , that got him a deal in the first place to make him and his family secure.

good post


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Wheres all the "Dockett's a piece of crap" and "Im done with him" and "Lets trade his azz" and "Lets make him ride the pine for the last 3 years of his contract"


easy shane. this is the first we've heard of this from dockett, and it was in the offseason. boldin's been playin' dirty since before the season, continued it through the season, and hasn't relented. if dockett does the same be assured he'll get the same treatment Q has brought UPON HIMSELF.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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If you sign a contract you have to accept, and take responsibility, that it may not be to your liking in the future - that's life. I am fed up with these players signing and (presumably) taking those guaranteed dollars, only to whine and complain 1-2 years later.

I understand they have a limited career, really I do, but what is the point in signing these guys to 4-5 year deals if the players holdout after a year or two? The ink was barely dry on Dockett's contract before he started to open his mouth about it. Quite what it thinks the FO should have done about Warner is beyond me - the guy hadn't even announced he was even going to play until a few days ago.

y'know, i empathize with the concept of "living up to your contract" but it's not quite so simple in the nfl. it's a job that takes a hard toll on a body and could end on any given play. the players almost have to engage in a money grab to make it worthwhile. add in the fact that an extremely few nfl contracts are guaranteed and teams can cut players at any time and i think you have to have a bit more sympathy for the players. "yeah i have a 3 year contract, but it's under market value at present and my team could cut me tomorrow meaning i don't see all of that money, so gimme more now." i get it. is it a good business design? i don't think so. but nfl's been mighty successful with it up to this point, so who am i to argue?


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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how come i get the feeling that since the Cards made the SB that the players feel like they should be paid more? Isn't it their job to try and make the SB every year? Did DD give any money back when they were 4-12?

The common thread here is Rosenhaus. None of the other players are publicly asking for new contracts or making demands. It's the way he operates. The Cards and the rest of the NFL know his act and won't buy into it. DR isn't stupid. Publicity is good for him when a guy *******,gets a new deal, and it's on sportscenter means his name is out there for future clients.

everytime i see a post calling out an agent i am going to repeat the following refrain from now on:

who hired rosenhaus? blame him. why did they hire rosenhaus? 'cuz they thought he'd take care of them best. ultimate responsibility resides with the player.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Its just that we hear about it more from the Cards because, first we have more access on the Cards and look for it more, and second the Pats and Pitt took hardline stances years ago and wont even talk to an agent of a player with more then one year left on their deals. They wont even get into a discusion but with the Cards they want to try and be mister nice guy and give said players even a glimmer of hope by even sitting down and discussing it with them instead of just flat out telling them no. Its weird but the players wont talk as much if the Cards were or become more hard asses on these issues, and once they become more consistent with these issues while having success.

We also dont here about it from Pitt or PAts as often because both teams have a histroy of saying see ya to so called malcontents and replacing them without missing a beat. We are slowing getting to that point hopefully.[/QUOTE]

imo that's the real reason we don't hear about it with the pats/steelers. they are adept enough at drafting young talent that they usually already have replacements waiting in the wings when they allow malcontents to leave, thus they don't skip a beat. if you don't have "replacement talent" like that it becomes obvious that you need to hang onto your players, thus their ability to make newsworthy noise.
Mar 4, 2008
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The issue is not with Graves or the Bidwills for that matter. You have free agency and the draft to focus on at this time. The cardinals are to the point their talent is as good as most times and our free agents are as good as any. Really think Suggs is an upgrade over Dansby. We just signed deals with with Q and Dockett and now we move on. I know money is not guarenteed like baseball but were these deals made with the money involved for the players to stink and if they were good we would do another one. It is time to do your job honor your word and you will be pais as your talent and performance dictates. Lets move ahead to put this team in a position to win that one extra game