OK...things ARE slow. My poll got deleted.
I'm bored. I see common sense again doesn't seem too common. S000oooo......I'll throw my 2 cents in:
First of all, to those who have suggested men playing in women's events....as fairness or fair retribution...or whatever....
Are you for real?
That's scary, if serious.
Please don't tell me you also base your take and opinion on "God's word".
Now, I must admit that I do think there are some sports that women should not seriously consider being involved in. Yes, we all possess the same hormones, just to greater or lesser degrees. But the simple fact is there ARE fundamental physical differences between men and women. I enjoy those differences. It is my belief that the "Way" is for all to celebrate that. We have our similarities...celebrate those as well. We all are human.
To me the epitome of Womanhood....is just that. Being the ultimate "Woman".
I don't want to see a woman who has to justify her self worth by excelling in Male traits. Just as I don't want to see a man who has to justify his self worth trying to act like a female.
Sure I would always prefer to look at a pysically fit person rather than a fat slob regardless of sex.
But a Woman who can show me an arm flex with granite biceps, etc, etc, is a freak to me.
I don't care what sex you are....be a first rate YOU, not a second rate someone else.
If a woman want to try to do something as a human. Fine. Any one should have the right to do or be anything they want (as long as it does not harm others) no matter how ignorant or stupid it may be.
But neither do I think that justifies condoning some things on a major scale.
I personally (and I certainly don't seem alone on this) don't care much for women's basketball. Not only does the general lack of physical talent not excite me, I also get turned off by the fact that so many of the women in, of, and around the sport are dykes.
And I'm not just talking about the masuline traits displayed necessary for success at the game...but dykes - not in the homosexual physical sphere- but the mental...."I hate men" catagory and yet try and act like them as their "replacements".
Again, personally I think Annika hasn't sacrificed any of her femininity to excel in her sport. She IS good at what she does. Very Good. So what if a few "rules" get bent for her to play in the Colonial? She's earned it. Can she compete with men?
Can her finesse over come her lack of pure physical strength?
The odds say probably no. Maybe some moderate success at best. but neither do I think she will make a fool out of herself by trying...and for that....we all should always have the right.
What's really the big deal?
Why does her participating under the circumstances she is become such an issue in the first place?
.....I say because common sense is not indeed too common.
And to use that as a justification for men competing in women's sport is just plain ignorant.
...so now I have come full circle. Just like the topic....a bunch of dizzying circles.