For the record:
-I would rather watch women's beach volleyball than men's.
-I would rather watch women's tennis than men's.
-I almost pissed my drawers facing a women's All-American softball pitcher.
-I always try to get a big hitting woman on my 4-some in scramble tourneys.
-I don't think women should be police officers.
-or firefighters.
-or combat soldiers.
-Womens basketball is repulsive.
-With very few exceptions, so is women's golf.
I hate the attempts by people to blur the lines between the sexes. It's been a popular past time for many years now and all we need to do is look around us and see how it's caused many problems in todays society. We have people in positions of responsibility that are not capable of executing the task. While playing golf hardly compares to going into a burning building to save a life, it is another example of the politically correct crowd trying to continue to fuzzy the lines between the sexes.
If, Anika would be able to play, (in this one tourney, that is arguably the shortest on tour) to a level that is average for the the PGA what exactly does that prove? Is there any more value to this accomplishment than that of a chimp that takes a 2nd grade math test and scores in the middle of the class? Is the chimp the equal of the kids on a daily basis or was this more the exception instead of the rule.
We are equal in the eyes of God. We are all equal in the eyes of the ballot box. However, we are not all equal in intellect, income, morals, athletic ability, sexual prowess, opportunities in life or just about any other that involves people as individuals.
On those rare occasions that someone actually goes well beyond what is the norm for their gender or intellect or what ever else, it's fine to appreciate the effort, but we shouldn't forget that it is the exception. Anika would never be able to compete on the PGA regularly. She admits that herself, just as Serena Williams said about men's tennis. So we are basically trying to take a short course, on a single week and use it as some kind of example to further blur the gender lines, and that's the reason I don't like the addition of her to the tourney. Play exhibitions if you want to see if you can compete in a one shot deal.