Doug and Wolf : Kobe or Amare


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Jan 2, 2003
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Yep. That is his ONLY weakness IMO.

i agree. the big shotmaker on that Wolves team was Cassel. That being said, KG as a third option would just be the most ridiculously incredible third option in the history of the league... it's too good to be true. especially for the best roleplayer in the league, expiring and mediocre picks.


Angry Vedder
Jun 4, 2007
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In My Tree
If we had a choice between trading for KG or Kobe, I would have to take KG. I'm not saying because I think KG is the better player or whatever, but on the basis that the one thing that could help this team more than anything is having talented big men, and KG is about as talented as they come.

He does so much on the floor from the PF spot, that I don't know why anyone would rather have Kobe. To me, Garnett is a much better "fit" than Bryant, although I do feel that Kobe and the Suns could make it work. KG doesn't bring years of baggage with him either. He's not a player who is going to take questionable shots, or dominate the ball too much, both things that make the Suns offense what it is.

The biggest reason why I want him here though is post defense. He has a history of playing Tim Duncan well on both ends of the floor. He free's up Amare to do what he does best, and that's help defense, and keeps him out of foul trouble.

To me it's a no brainer.

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
This is just insane. KG is better for this team at 5X the price as long as Nash and Amare are on the floor with him you don't need anyother pieces.

Im starting to think people don't realize just how good Garnett is. If Garnett is in SA with Pop, Parker, and Manu he is Tim Duncan. He can't do it by himself but he is probably the best shooting forward (sans Dirk) rebounding forward, and passing forward. And he is smart as hell and always makes the right play. Thats been his problem because he has been making the correct play the last three years with no one around him to back him up. On the Suns that would be a non issue and he is perfect for what we need and how our player play the game.

I honestly believe if he does end up here he is the MVP next year.

The whole non clutch thing is ridiculous too. The year they went to the playoffs he made numerous late game baskets along the way. What Garnett is not is a go to scorer every time down the floor. But with AMare he doesn't need to be.

I agree except I see a major problem with the premise of this thread. That is that the Phoenix Suns can get either of these players without giving up Amare Stoudemire. There's no way. I'm sorry. Shawn Marion and change will not get it done. Well, maybe with a third team who wanted Shawn Marion, but I'd put the chances of that at less than 1%.

I think it comes down to one of these players or Amare Stoudemire. Frankly I would do it either way, but I think it's important to keep Kurt Thomas regardless of what trades they do or do not make. Either that or they've got to replace him with somebody like P.J. Brown at a slightly more reasonable salary.

I don't like Amare Stoudemire. I believe all this stuff about him being bad for the chemistry of the team, and I think he's going to try to leave next summer or the summer after. I can't remember when his opt out clause is. Next even if he does stick around I can almost guarantee he'll have more knee problems, especially once he gets assigned to another huge contract.

Joe Mama

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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You really see clutch as his biggest weakness? Really?

Obviously I am in the minority here but i think this is one of those traits thats gets so overblown by the media that all of a sudden people just accept it as fact with out really taking into account the actual player. Garnett gets criticized for is not taking control of the game at the end. Its not that he is not clutch - he is just programmed to make the right play every time and if you are getting double and triple teamed down the stretch the right play is to get rid of the ball. That will no longer be considered a weakness once he plays for the Suns. Garnett is absolutely a player whom you can give the ball to in the end of a game and just get the hell out of the way. He can score in a variety of ways and has never shown a propensity to NOT be clutch. I challenge anyone to name a time he made a decisive mistake in an important game or missed and important free throw. I liken him to Nash in that he doesn't hit game winners ala Kobe but hes the guy that scores the final 6 points in the last minute that gives your team a lead or gets them within striking distance. Thats clutch - not making game winning shots all the time.

In this case perception is feeding reality. Garnett has only had one extended post season to show case his "clutchness" and that year he averaged a ridiculous 24.3 ppg 14.6 rebs and 5.1 Assists. The year before he was at 27 ppg 15.2rpg and 5.2 assists. Plus he has had 3 30/20 games. And i think all of us can admit we have not watched enough Minny regular season bball to say he tightens up down the stretch on a consistent basis.

Garnett is not a dominant offensive player whom you can just hand the ball to and get the hell out of the way ON EVERY PLAY. But he makes plays when he needs too and especially at the end of games. Duncan and Nash are much the same. And they are both still pretty damn effective......
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Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany

Can you explain us how signing another huge contract increases the probability of having more knee problems..

Seriously.. I say believe all that stuff about his attitude. I rather believe what we see and that is Amare Stoudemire working out with Diaw at the Suns gym everyday.
He NEVER goes public to bitch about his team or his status.

What is Shawn Marion doing? Vacationing and everytime he gets a chance he goes to cry about his status and how he is not sure if he would rather win a championship or be on a bad team where he can be the man. Seriously..

Just like you thought Amare may leave after his rookie contract etc etc yet we have NEVER heard him be anything other than loyal to the Suns, has his own restaurant in downtown Phoenix etc..


Jun 19, 2007
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I totally lost respect for Wolf when he went off about Kobe being a better fit. Seriously, what kind of a moron is he?

Not to mention the fact that Phoenix is probably the last team the Lakers would ever trade Kobe to. But lets "debate" about it.

Bickley and MJ for me.


ASFN Lifer
Jan 26, 2007
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Sun City
I totally lost respect for Wolf when he went off about Kobe being a better fit. Seriously, what kind of a moron is he?

Not to mention the fact that Phoenix is probably the last team the Lakers would ever trade Kobe to. But lets "debate" about it.

Bickley and MJ for me.

I'd only take Bickley and MJ if we money thrown in. It wouldn't have to be huge, but it would take serious dollars to put up with those two. :raccoon:

Joe Mama

Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ

Can you explain us how signing another huge contract increases the probability of having more knee problems..

Sure, easy, it's the Phoenix Suns luck.

Seriously.. I say believe all that stuff about his attitude. I rather believe what we see and that is Amare Stoudemire working out with Diaw at the Suns gym everyday.
He NEVER goes public to bitch about his team or his status.

What is Shawn Marion doing? Vacationing and everytime he gets a chance he goes to cry about his status and how he is not sure if he would rather win a championship or be on a bad team where he can be the man. Seriously..

Just like you thought Amare may leave after his rookie contract etc etc yet we have NEVER heard him be anything other than loyal to the Suns, has his own restaurant in downtown Phoenix etc..

I don't know why I feel the need to convince you and others. First of all this has nothing to do is Shawn Marion. If they could trade Shawn Marion for Kevin Garnett or Kobe Bryant they would do it in a heartbeat. It's not going to happen though, regardless of how many lame trade scenarios you can come up with to try to convince yourself otherwise. Shawn Marion is not going to be the centerpiece in a trade for either of those two players.

Believe it or not, not everything that happens with a basketball team is done in the public eye. Amare Stoudemire might not complained publicly about his team more teammates. That doesn't mean everything is hunky Dory with him and the team. Just because Amare Stoudemire re-signed with the Phoenix Suns last time that doesn't mean he's going to do it again.

I'm sure that Steve Nash would be ecstatic if the Suns traded Amare Stoudemire for Kevin Garnett.

Joe Mama


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Sure, easy, it's the Phoenix Suns luck.

I don't know why I feel the need to convince you and others. First of all this has nothing to do is Shawn Marion. If they could trade Shawn Marion for Kevin Garnett or Kobe Bryant they would do it in a heartbeat. It's not going to happen though, regardless of how many lame trade scenarios you can come up with to try to convince yourself otherwise. Shawn Marion is not going to be the centerpiece in a trade for either of those two players.

Believe it or not, not everything that happens with a basketball team is done in the public eye. Amare Stoudemire might not complained publicly about his team more teammates. That doesn't mean everything is hunky Dory with him and the team. Just because Amare Stoudemire re-signed with the Phoenix Suns last time that doesn't mean he's going to do it again.

I'm sure that Steve Nash would be ecstatic if the Suns traded Amare Stoudemire for Kevin Garnett.

Joe Mama

Come on Joe, can't the opposite be said as well? The point is, neither you nor I know what exactly transpires behind closed doors. If you want to assume everything is going badly, that's fine, but why can't people with just as much right to an opinion think differently?

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
Okay, Andy just relieved some of my fears regarding Amare Stoudemire. He informed me that Amari does not in fact have an opt out clause anytime soon. I would still seriously contemplate that trade, but my opinion isn't as strong now.



Custom User Title!
Jun 6, 2007
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I totally lost respect for Wolf when he went off about Kobe being a better fit. Seriously, what kind of a moron is he?

Did you hear me on the air?

He ranted about kobe then I came back and dominated him, then he says

"Yeah but theres one more thing..."



Jun 19, 2007
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Did you hear me on the air?

He ranted about kobe then I came back and dominated him, then he says

"Yeah but theres one more thing..."


Yeah..I heard you.

The ONLY time I listen to that show is when they're talking NBA. Even then, those two are completely clueless.


Custom User Title!
Jun 6, 2007
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Yeah, I see them more as 'a couple of nice guys who watch sports', more than 'sports radio hosts'.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
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Jan 27, 2005
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Yeah, I see them more as 'a couple of nice guys who watch sports', more than 'sports radio hosts'.

The funny thing is he tries really hard and sometimes I find him entertaining. He is just not a very good talk show host. He says more stupid things then a caveman in a Mensa club.

Having said that, I still would listen to Wolf all day over some boob like Bob Kemp. That guy to me is THE WORST.


Custom User Title!
Jun 6, 2007
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Yeah as un-insightful as he is, wolf is entertaining, the big galoot!

(i am smarter than him though, big wuss hung up on my ass wtf)


Jun 19, 2007
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Yeah as un-insightful as he is, wolf is entertaining, the big galoot!

(i am smarter than him though, big wuss hung up on my ass wtf)

Sometimes I seriously wonder what are the job qualifications for being a sports talk show host?

"Kobe vs KG?"

There's no chance in hell that Kobe is coming to Phoenix. Thats like the Yankees trading Derek Jeter to the Red Sox. But lets debate about it.

A better "debate" would be whether an Amare for KG "straight up" trade would be worth it. Then you would be talking about the future vs now etc.

Wolf has a funny voice, but he tries too hard to show it. ANY conversation turns to him yelling some weird words.

I, unlike many Suns fans, respect Bickley's opinion much more than these two.


ASFN Lifer
Jan 26, 2007
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Sun City
Bickley used to absolutely awful when covering the Suns because he is not that into basketball. He's gotten better as the Suns became the big story in town, but he is still not into the game enough to have any great insights.


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Apr 24, 2003
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San Diego
Sorta OT, but did Kevin Johnson ever require a second microfracture surgery?

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