(ex-Uriah Heep)
Congratulations Goran!
Not if everyone gave Dragic 1st, 2nd and 3rd on their ballots.Wow, congratulations, Mr. Dragic! The Suns have a bit of a knack for this award recently.
I sure wish, however, that the write-ups for these awards would not get the total number of "possible" points wrong, which they do every time. 1134 points were awarded, but it was not possible to get 1134 points, because each ballot had three names. The highest possible number of points was 5*126 = 630.
Wow, congratulations, Mr. Dragic! The Suns have a bit of a knack for this award recently.
I sure wish, however, that the write-ups for these awards would not get the total number of "possible" points wrong, which they do every time. 1134 points were awarded, but it was not possible to get 1134 points, because each ballot had three names. The highest possible number of points was 5*126 = 630.
It's a weighted award, giving 5 points for first place, 3 for second place and 1 for third. Therefore it's 9*126=1134.
Unless the voters could list the same player first, second and third, Eric is right - the max you can get is 126 first place votes. Therefore the max is as he said 126*5. Heck, he even did the arithmetic right!
Boris Kiaw?