The Cards have had good preseason records before. They have gone 3-1 twice and I remember, though I may be wrong, that they once went 4-0. You know what? Preseason don't mean jack. I have been a Cards fan since they came to the Valley, which makes this my 15th year. As much as I root for them and as many offseasons of optimism that I have gone through, for real is for real. The Cards as a team and as an organization have yet to do anything to earn national respect. In spite of that, I remain a fan, as painful as it is sometimes. I cannot feign allegiance to another team. I cannot help but to be a Cards fan. In spite of my criticism and sometimes my doubt, I continue to buy and wear Cards gear in public. I hear it all yet I stand in the face of it AND I argue my side. In the end, my argument is based only on loyalty to the team I choose to follow. I cannot base my allegiance on the historical success of the team nor on the legitimacy of the organization. You fans with the blinders on are not true fans. I am a true fan in spite of how jaded I am....