Originally posted by outcent
Because Hillenbrand isn't a fly-ball hitter ...
We all knew, and Brenly said, during Spring Training that we are not a homerun hitting team.
It would take line drives and rallies for us to be competitive.
But the Manager and Hitting Coach have not been able to convince most of our veterans -- namely Williams, Finley, and Womack.
Don't advance a runner we need to score. Don't lead off an inning by getting on base. Instead, hack at every pitch, hoping that one will reach the seats . . . and your stats sheet. Popup after popup!
Adding Hillenbrand to the lineup should swing the emphasis to line drives.
Although he wasn't my 1st choice to come in as our cleanup hitter, he will affect the team (more than just his own performance) positively, while helping Jerry lower the payroll.
If Brenly doesn't try to force Williams and Womack into the starting lineup (wasn't Cintron supposed to be given a shot at SS when Counsell got injured, then was benched while hitting in the .290's?) and even has the guts to sit Fins in favor of Dellucci, we could have a solid line-drive hitting lineup to support our pitching, come post-season.
Would this lineup, behind a staff of Johnson/Schilling/Webb starting 6 of 7 games in the World Series, be able to win it? I think so!
I just hope that Brenly doesn't do to Hillenbrand what he did to Cintron. Speaking of SS, when Counsell returns, we need
him at leadoff.
The way he works a Pitcher, and isn't afraid to take 2 strikes to get on base, is a benefit to the rest of the lineup.
Ironically, Counsell has as many stolen bases as Womack so far . . . and Dellucci has as many as Finley, one behind them.