Darth Llama
Rise Up Red Sea!
I need some advice from Fallout 3 vets. I seem to get worked by just about everything so far. Any advice on leveling up or missions I should take on first? I swear, everytime I have an encounter with non-humans I get my ass kicked or have to use my entire arsenal to kill it. Also, many of the side missions I don't have skills high enough (example repair or something) to complete.
Maybe it's just to early in the game but I feel like a chicken running around with my head cut off right now. lol. It's fun but man...
It depends a lot on what type of character you are. If you're going to fight mostly with Small Guns (Hand Guns, Hunting Rifle, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, etc) I would put your early points into Small Guns and Repair. Don't over look the importance of Repair, the condition of your guns and your armor factor into not only how much damage you can do, but how much you can take as well. When you fight the raiders, you can take all their armors after you kill them and use them to repair one another into a suit that's actually worth wearing. The first quest I usually do is for Moira in Craterside Supply, it's part of the Wasteland Survival Quest. She sends you to the grocery mart to look for supplies and medicine. You can find some nice stuff, but the raiders can be kinda tough. I travel everywhere in sneak mode to try and get the drop on things before they see you. It's slower, but if you shoot them before they detect you, you get sneak damage and can often one shot bad guys that would otherwise be a huge fight.
If the Super Duper Mart proves too hard, then start on the main story line. Moriarty will send you to find a woman named Silver, that quest is easy and then will send you on your way to find your dad. That trip isn't too rough either, just be sure you sneak to get the drop on your foes. Your best abilities to increase your sneak are Stealth and put some points into Agility.