Matt Leinart released from Arizona Cardinals, the heisman trophy winner started 11 games as a rookie and then lost his job to 2 time MVP Kurt Warner. Warner retired and Leinart unexpectedly slipped down the depth chart behind Derrick Anderson!
Not often Cards make the 24 hour news stations! Be the first time for a good thing, or is it?
If it was fox, they still haven't been on the ticker of a News channel. Seriously
(not saying the other news channel(s) are better, just fox entertainment channel, isn't news)
They report bs, the ******** viewer has no tools to decide.
Unfair, and never balanced.
I won't even say right or left. Because it goes far, far beyond that. Any 1980's hs newspaper is better than any news channel or newspaper today. All of the investigative reporters? They work for places like TMZ or ET or ESPN.
Figures they'd put Hollywood Matt getting cut at the bottom of their little 'entertainment' channel.
There's more news at ESPN than the 'entertainment channel'. Hell more news at KFFL.
If you watch fox, you don't watch the news. Ever. They just won't tell you. Why people still put NEWS and FOX together is a little like saying MATT LEINART and TALENT together. The two words just don't belong in a sentence.
Just needed to clear up some reality. If you watch FOX, you ain't watching the news. Hell 'Not Necessarily the News' has more pertinent things in it than Fox, and they haven't made NNTN for ~25 years!
What would be a good thing, is if fox EVER put NEWS on their station. Even if it was a political viewpoint I don't like, I could watch it. I just can't watch pure retards spouting nonsense about non-issues that they themselves are too stupid to talk about. I don't think one person on Fox entertainment channel has a real IQ of above 75. I can turn that channel on, and in 5 words of whoever idiot is on that channel, I can already feel stupider for turning it on.
Please people, up your standards a little bit. You don't need to eat caviar, but you should be able to stay away from the cow patties. I bet a person loses 5 points to their IQ for every year they watch the fox entertainment channel.
Not are they all the above, even an average 3rd grader should clearly SEE and AGREE with the above.
You want the news? Don't turn to fox. Hell don't even bother going to the tv. But definitely not fox entertainment.
That said, I've seen plenty of AZ cardinal stuff on the bottom of their screen, and I never try turn on that channel. Perhaps one of their workers likes the cards. Maybe Austerity Australian Rupert Murdoch is a fan? Maybe it's Ben Graham. lol