Nice 3 run 8th. Seems like the dbacks have some hitting this year so far. Hope it continues.
During the game in the 6th inning or so, it was announced that, during the first 3 3/4 games, the D-backs had scored 1 run during the first three innings. Not one per game, but one in the first 4 games in innings 1-3.
And something like 14 during innings 4-5-6. I think it was 8 before 7-8-9 in game 4. By the end of the game, it was even higher for 7-8-9. All but one of our runs during the first 4 games were driven in from the 4th inning on.
It's great to watch but constantly coming from behind is going to take its toll on the players as the season wears on.
I hope Dave Magidan and the cyber guys work with the offense to help them know what's coming before the second time through the batting order.