I don't wanna turn this into a lets change the cards uniform thread, but I think that jersey could be altered into the future cards jersey!
Okay here's what you do.
From the armpits up to near rhe collar (sort of like the rams gold going up there unis but at the armpit level similar to the broncos jerseys....painted red. It would appear in the shape of a painters or construction "horse" on the back, beneath the collar but above the name.
Then from there the outside fringe bicep collars are red
Then the numbers are line with silver instead of red, and the insides of the numbers are red...to get more red in the uni, you want it mostly red still...just in every nook and cranny.
Hey, the blue has over recent years been sewn more into the jersey, why not shake it up by adding alot more blue, but it still would be a minority color.