Hate Bidwill???

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Lex

Gambo is touchy about article/column, because anyone can write something good and get it published as an article, to have a column, it means you are good enough to be a regular contributor, thus warranting your own weekly column.

The funny thing is, a column references an area of a newspaper. Gambo's not published in the Arizona Republic, he's only on the web site. Big deal. I'll bet more people read Cheesebeefs article on ASFN, than read Gambo's "column" on the AZ Central web site.

not Gambo, woody Paige, he just hates the word article.

If you want to see his articles on the Denver post site you often have to click on columnists first, I figure it's an ego thing.

Red Fury

Dec 8, 2003
Reaction score
I would be elated if Bidwill sold the team but you are all right, it will never happen.

The frustrating thing though is if he sold the team there would be a waiting list for season tickets. People want to embrace the Cardinals and if given just a little bit of hope they would support this team.

Look at their only playoff team since they have been in AZ. There last two games of the season were against NO and SD too very poor football teams but the stadium was near capacity for the SD game and sold out for their last game of the season. People were fired up and when they beat the Cowboys this place went nuts.

Just give the fans a little hope and fan support will not be a problem.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Russ Smith
not Gambo, woody Paige, he just hates the word article.

If you want to see his articles on the Denver post site you often have to click on columnists first, I figure it's an ego thing.

I am pretty sure articles are publication specific and columns can be syndicated or appear in numerous publications so the fact Gambo probably has two or three places, "I am guessing two" who print his spewage makes him, in his mind at least, a columnist.

The fact he makes the distinction is just further proof he is a worm.

Maybe you could understand someone with a national column getting upset by the comment but Gambo is only in that league in his own mind.


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
Originally posted by Red Fury
I would be elated if Bidwill sold the team but you are all right, it will never happen.

The frustrating thing though is if he sold the team there would be a waiting list for season tickets. People want to embrace the Cardinals and if given just a little bit of hope they would support this team.

Look at their only playoff team since they have been in AZ. There last two games of the season were against NO and SD too very poor football teams but the stadium was near capacity for the SD game and sold out for their last game of the season. People were fired up and when they beat the Cowboys this place went nuts.

Just give the fans a little hope and fan support will not be a problem.

Red Fury, I disagree with you when you say people in AZ. would start buying tickets if the Cards had a new owner. The people who aren't "hard core" Cards fans are all "band wagon" fans and will only start coming to the games if the team starts winning.