Have you seen this?


Registered User
Nov 2, 2005
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Gilbert, AZ
Have you noticed that the spurs won't even let a "called off" continuation shot not even make it through the cylinder? They jump and goal tend it right out the cylinder. That is their culture.

If you realize that wide open J's are not even acceptable @ the H.S level, why doesn't Porter, Nash and Kerr realize that this is the gaping hole on the port side of the USS Phoenix Suns?

I think it is the plan to protect amare and shaq from foul trouble, clog the lane. After all the suns need at least 4 guys to guard the pick and roll since neither shaq or amare can guard it and nash is the other defender. Wide open shots save amare and shaq from disqualification on fouls, just look and see how few times they have fouled out this year vs the last few. IMO, the porter defense instructs the players to leave the outside shooters open, ughhh! I'd rather risk the foul trouble with shaq and amare. last year the last 20 games(when shaq was shaqlimated) this team was MUCH better defensively than it is now, about 2-3% better in FG's against. DA had shaq playing his man without a double. You pick your poison in the NBA and Porter and kerr have picked curare, the wide open jump shot. I'll bet more than 80% of NBA guards can just kill you on wide open jump shots. The guard position defensive PER is terrible on the suns because of the doubling and the 3pt % allowed is much worse than the DA teams with KT, it all abolut the need to double the post, leaving those guys wide open. Raja defensive PER is down 5 units since joining the bobcats, and it continues to sink. I dont think he was a s washed up as many here think. Besides look how the suns cant seem ot get much out of JRich either in that position either defensively or offensively. Its broken, but its not just the players.
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Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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I think it is the plan to protect amare and shaq from foul trouble,

I have seen zero evidence of this being the primary factor in how the team is playing. I have seen them do this but I have also seen them rotate weak side defense more often to protect guys like Amare and Nash. Shaq doesn't need protection like Amare and Nash do.
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Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Believe it or not, Porter had a pretty good plan for the general team defense at the start of the year - herding, riding, pushing opponents to the wing and baseline. It didn't work wonders but it was head and shoulders above what they've been doing for the last two months - which I'd describe as an uncoordinated mishmash. Why he went away from that I have no idea - maybe he's been too busy trying to fix the offense of improve collage construction skills.

As far as Nash and other guards dropping down to help out in the paint, I have no doubt that the coaches are behind that - it has helped keep Amare out of foul trouble. And we aren't getting killed in the paint as often as we were last year - unfortunately, the darn opp's are making up for it from the perimeter. Anyway, I don't think the basic idea is bad, but the perimeter guys have to pick their spots to do it well - instead its become automatic so it indeed does look like we are helping the opps run their plays.


#13 - Legendary
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
Hey All!

I'm new to this forum so go easy on me.

Man, I really have to get something off my chest.

Why oh why does Steve Nash double down and cheat away from his guy every time the ball goes down low or swings away from him?

Am I the only guy who see's this? I mean it drives me nuts. He's always out o' position and gives up the J. If you haven't noticed, take a look @ the next game and it will drive you nuts.

I would understand if doubling down lead to jarring the ball loose a couple of times a game, but seriously why double down on Biedrins? Are you serious?

This is a defensive liability and one of the reasons why we are always out of position every honking game!!


PS Glad to be here! :)

Omg I tried posting this once and it didn't show up. Totally agree with you!!! He goes to help his teammate on this half-ass double team. It's not like the guy he is double teaming has any added pressure. Nash's man gets wide open and either knocks down the J or gets an easy shot somewhere. It drives me crazy. Nowadays when I see Nash wandering 15 feet away from the guy he is supposed to guard I just laugh. It's not like if he was guarding the guy the result would be any different so why bug.


Registered User
Nov 2, 2005
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Gilbert, AZ
I have seen zero evidence of this being the primary factor in how the team is playing.

DA didnt double down anywhere enarly as much on shaqs man, it helped the perimeter defense alot and shaq did pretty well(except for the pick and roll). This year with all the doubling down, the disqualifications of shaq and amare are way down, as there are less opportunities to pick up a foul. The opponents are happy to shoot the wide open 15-20 footers. the opposition CHOOSES not to take as many shots in the paint as the easy jumpers are often uncontested. In the NBA you pick your poison and the sun have chosen to let the shooters shoot. This is why they look so bad defensively on the perimeter and guard positions and so good inside.


Feb 5, 2009
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Plain and simple: It doesn't require a basketball genius IQ to know that mediocre shooting guards have had career games vs the Suns. With that being said, I can't understand not making the necessary adjustments to stop this. I would say that we have two very capable bigs that can block shots and intimidate. They don't need help down low. Everybody needs to man up and cling to his man like white on rice.

Thats how you play defense.


Feb 5, 2009
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Omg I tried posting this once and it didn't show up. Totally agree with you!!! He goes to help his teammate on this half-ass double team. It's not like the guy he is double teaming has any added pressure. Nash's man gets wide open and either knocks down the J or gets an easy shot somewhere. It drives me crazy. Nowadays when I see Nash wandering 15 feet away from the guy he is supposed to guard I just laugh. It's not like if he was guarding the guy the result would be any different so why bug.

Well said! :)