The writers on this show are just awful. They take every single complaint over the past seasons and not only do they NOT address it, they accentuate it! Adding more people with abilities? Check. Having a character have an existential conversation with someone who isn't really there? Check. Hiro losing powers and regaining them? Check. Tracy becoming good, then evil, then good again? Check. Angela Petrelli trying to run things and manipulate Noah Bennett? Check. Claire trying to be "normal"? Check. There is nothing new with this show, they just keep rehashing the same tired formula.
Everything seems so fake in the show, from Claire's new roommate to the whole Parkman being jealous thing. Ando has even become more of a lapdog to Hiro now. The only cool character now is Ray Park.
I actually liked the premiere until I read your post and now I think you are absolutely right.
I did like Peter though, I thought they finally have him doing what I've always wanted: saving people and being happy, instead of such a confused, depressed downer all the time.
I just don't know why they can't stop it with this whole idea of being "heroes" and leading everyday lives. I get it...we want to see stories of them dealing with real life, but they are friggin' heroes for crying out loud. Let's get some good versus evil, let's start forming a Justice League or something.
I truly believe if they put some enemy out there who was ransacking New York, and then our good guys started forming an alliance to take him down...and created some base, etc., this show would really take off.
One of the best parts of the premiere on Monday was the fight between Tracy and the knife guy. The way his knives went through her like she was water was pretty bad ass. But there just isn't enough of that stuff.
So very tired of all the drama and the conspiracies, etc. I'm really tired of the Hiro storyline especially.
I just want to see Peter become a Superman-like hero, Sylar stay himself and be evil, and let's have them duking it out. And then let's send others to fight other bad guys doing different things around the globe.
There is just SOOOO much they could do...ugh.