edited for content
For many years now, this board has had a fantasy league on the site hoops.sports.ws. It's a different scoring system and setup from other fantasy basketball sites. Current players include TucsonDevil, ASUChris, Ollie, Tank, and others; in the past we've also had WastedFate, Chaplin, FDog, Brian in Mesa, Chris Sanders, etc. Dyle is the defending champion.
Information about how the site works is in the sticky threads at http://sunstalk.net/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=4. We're looking for three or four new managers this season (or old ones who, so far, have not announced their intention to return). If you are interested after reading the sticky threads, please email me at elindholm AT ca DOT rr DOT com.
Suns content: Frye has the potential to be a more effective player on both ends of the floor, but I don't think he has the mental makeup. Lopez offers better long-term prospects. The wild card is Turkoglu. Can he really hold down a starting PF position in the Western Conference?
Information about how the site works is in the sticky threads at http://sunstalk.net/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=4. We're looking for three or four new managers this season (or old ones who, so far, have not announced their intention to return). If you are interested after reading the sticky threads, please email me at elindholm AT ca DOT rr DOT com.
Suns content: Frye has the potential to be a more effective player on both ends of the floor, but I don't think he has the mental makeup. Lopez offers better long-term prospects. The wild card is Turkoglu. Can he really hold down a starting PF position in the Western Conference?