Whatever you do, do not run the prevent defense 
Unless Pop Warner has completely changed over the past 25 years, the coaches and administrators don't make a dime from Pop Warner. Every dime goes back into the kitty for equipment and sponsorships for kids who can't afford to pay. I can say this with complete knowledge as I ran the McClintock Pop Warner program for a period of 3 years.
Many leagues require coaches to ref another game on game days. You can spend your entire day off at the field.
Tackle football is an animal for coaches...especially assistant coaches. I've seen coaches require assistant coaches to have meetings and film study all the time...it takes up your entire life. My buddy quit after one year because he didn't have a life outside of it.
Even if you don't have a crazy head coach the season will take up any and all free time you have.
The other problem you have is being an assistant you have no say over the parents...that's all on the HC and trust me in tackle football you will have parents unhappy how you are playing their "all pro future hall of fame" son.
I wouldn't coach tackle football if they paid me $10,000 per season.
man you guys are scaring mei'll give it a year to get my feet wet, if nothing else it'll be a good story for the grandkids
man you guys are scaring mei'll give it a year to get my feet wet, if nothing else it'll be a good story for the grandkids