There are three highly rated OT's. Two will turn out to be very good. We'll take the third one. Turns out he was good in college and then Grimm will coach him down.
yup, we'll pass on Kalil because of some asinine reason and grab the one that would be like the #25 pick instead
How many reps do you need to see? He had almost nothing to do with the lead, and his inability to make ANYTHING happen in the offense was the reason we lost.
I get that we're stuck with Kolb for at least another year, but I don't know where the feeling that Kolb will be good comes from at this point.
this is true, he started the season well but now if the D/special teams doesn't get him the ball inside the 30, he can't lead a scoring drive. Roberts shouldn't be on the field, he drops every pass. We really needed that #2 receiver that I refused to acknowledge in the preseason. We need new tackles, at the very least left (soooooo badly, like a heart transplant on the last day you're expected to live). I've
heard that #75 would make a good RT, maybe he would, but he'd need like an 85% pay cut. I would look for one in free agency or at least keep Bridges in over Keith.
our D calling fell apart in the 2nd half. Leaving Jefferson on Q?!?! Just unacceptable. It took 10 minutes and 100 yards to move Peterson back to him. Acho and Scho had some big plays which was great to see. Would love to see them play together, Porter and Haggans are sadly over the hill, but I do like the idea of giving em 10-15 plays a game and having em to teach the kids