I want/need "Heroes"


Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
Central Illinois
vikesfan said:
You show what kind of person you are by calling me names! If you cannot converse and debate with someone in a civil manner please don't bother responding to my posts! By the way you are the same person who said blacks don't apply themselves as much as whites that is a racist statement! You also blamed hip hop culture HUH?!?! That culture is popular with white americans as well!

Ahh ok, here we go. First you misrepresent what I said then you draw an illogical conclusion. The observation that some people do not apply themselves wether they are black or white does not make me racist.

Again whacko. :D

Hay, don't take that so hard, your a lovable albeit missguided, whacko.

Let me give you a hint. Some of the things you claim to be facts are indeed facts and I would not deny them. But you ignore other facts that don't suit your agenda and draw whacko conclusions. For example: There were tons of VX gas tagged counted and photographed by the UN in IRAQ. Not even the Frenchies would deny that.

Did he have an ongoing WMD program? I don't know. Bush may have been wrong but you have no evidence that he lied. Dude, you can believe whatever whacko thing you want, its a free country. :D

I am done with this thread, back to football.


ASFN Lifer
May 14, 2002
Reaction score
This subject about "heroes" seems to crop up every now and then.

The one consistant thing I see each time it does, is that people get caught up in arguing over differences of what actually constitutes a "hero".

I think heroes don't have to be limited to just patriotic "war heroes", etc.
To me a hero is anyone that exemplifies worthy and morally admirable qualities in how they conduct themselves and their life....or actions they've taken.

To a young boy, the greatest hero in the world should be his father. To a young girl, her mother. You don't don't have to be superman, or Audi Murphy. You don't have to kill other people to prove your way of thinking is the correct one, or sacrifice your own life for the betterment of other human beings. You don't have to save 100 people from a flaming apartment building. You don't have single-handedly subdue a gang of criminals.
All you have to do is live your life in a way that inspires others, to provide living proof that human decency flourishes if given "half a chance".

One of my former employers had a saying he was fond of, and often quoted:
"You're not always a hero in your own back yard".

Anyone can be a hero, at any time, for a myriad of reasons.

Here's a perfect example:

An Unknown Soldier
By Terry Paulson
One day, while changing flights in Chicago, I called my wife to let her know that I would be home shortly.

As we were talking, I overheard a young soldier on the phone next to me leaving a message, "Mom, I don't know. They just told me that they won't change the ticket without more money...and I don't have it." He paused for a moment before continuing, "Okay, I'll try to stay here by the phone. Please call back soon. The number is..."

The soldier hung up, and with a worried look on his face, he stood next to the phone bank, nervously waiting for the phone to ring.

I said good-bye to my wife and then turned to the anxious young man. "How much do you need, soldier?" I asked.

"Sir, I'm twenty dollars short of getting home."

I reached into my pocket and took out my wallet. "For giving to our country, I am honored to give you this twenty dollars."

A big smile of relief came over him as he took the money and said, "Thank you, sir."

"Now, go home," I smiled back.

And with that, he shook my hand, grabbed his duffel bag and dashed off to the gate and on to his waiting family.

You can't get much more than that for any amount of money.

Who exactly, is the real hero here???


ASFN Lifer
Feb 13, 2004
Reaction score

I started a thread about Cardinal "memories" and somehow it's turned very political. NOT my intention. I am thankful that I live here in the U.S. and have the freedom to express my opinion--as we all do. That being said, "Can we talk football, please?? Have you guys met any players, coaches, etc?? What was the feeling like in 98'? etc. GO CARDS!! :thumbup:


R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
Chandler AZ.
Can't believe

I'm getting into this. Vikes Fan, i'm a combat war veteran and would go back and do it again knowing what I know now. I've been in the middle east to clean up ammo as a civie and would do it again in a heart beat. My oldest son just got out of the Army, my youngest guards a nuclear post for the Air Force. To call any Commander In Chief a murderer, in war time is treason. We are at war!
Whether you agree with the principles given for being invovled or not isn't a point when it comes to lost lives in the military. There's no draft, you enlisted, you knew what the score may be some time, that's that.
Try to analogize your line of thinking to Police Depts. and Fire Depts. and their chiefs and commanders and their city's mayors and Govenors.
There will always be evil and because of that violence.
As for oil, the U.S. has plenty in reserve and more off shore to last a very long time, the lobbyists can't have it both ways.
As far as the public having access to information about any of this, it's kind of like playing pool if you don't understand the english you'll never be able to understand the spin.
Sorry for the length of this, I mean no harm or foul or ill will, just my take. And, not just to V.F. but anyone who cares to read it.