you are part of A service industry just not the food service industry.....cop out....pun intended.
you are part of A service industry just not the food service industry.....cop out....pun intended.
Im rubber your glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!
I worked at Burger King when I was 16 and only the women made the tea. Of course that was the summer that we got busted for having "fecal matter" in the tea because the water didn't get hot enough. Channel 15 was all over the place
I absolutely ask every where I go if there tea is fecal or not. You'er right they usually have to check. Makes me wonder how bright people in the service industry are?
Then I would say you worked at a VERY weird restaraunt.
Most tea and coffee in most restaraunts is made by the service people Not the cooks. Go in the back of restaraunts and you will likely find in 80-90% of them the place where you fill the drinks in the waitress/waiter area and not in the kitchen.
Did you fill the sodas when they needed to be filled? Did you get refills?
This thread is odd.
I like iced tea.
I worked as a chef for 6 years and I can say that I never once touched a drink machine. That is the job of the bartender or servers if there is a drink station.
Shane, your avatar is irritating me.. Why did you pick one that has a home plate shape for the Suns?
Yeah sweet tea is gross, why don't you just get Kool-aid and get it over with
I know of a few that mix iced team with lemonade.