This is for sentemental value only....something from a movie that means something to you. Or something so strange it would make a great converstation piece in your living room. Monitary value does not count (Like Dorthy's ruby slippers)
My choices:
1) The prosthetic alien that came out of the dude's chest in Alien
2) The Ring of power from Lord of the Rings
3) Hoverboard from the Back to the Future series
4) Luke's original lightsaber from Star Wars (ANH)
5) Roy Hobbs bat from the Natural
My choices:
1) The prosthetic alien that came out of the dude's chest in Alien
2) The Ring of power from Lord of the Rings
3) Hoverboard from the Back to the Future series
4) Luke's original lightsaber from Star Wars (ANH)
5) Roy Hobbs bat from the Natural