I don't find anything wrong with it. It's TV. TV is meant for entertainment. That's its primary function, along with selling detergent and deodorant and beer. Most the vets I know don't want to be made into a dog and pony show, period, they just want the respect they're due, the benefits they're due, and an equal chance at getting a job. You want to help, you want to get self-righteous about it, go donate at a fundraiser for vets, go donate to the VA which is seriously, pathetically, so criminally, underfunded. These dudes fight for our freedoms, if you give a sh*t then go donate to the VA where most vets have the most problems. Watching TV isn't caring about vets. It's pretend caring. So those of us who didn't serve can feel a little bit better for being the weenies we are. That's the truth. I know many Vets and none of them give two donkey sh*ts about TV, just provide the benefits you promised, give them the freaking RESPECT they deserve, and let them earn a living. I really don't give a sh*t if some TV program interrupted your tear-jerk moment, in between your piss-break and the nachos.