Insider - Chat with Chris Sheridan


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Oct 3, 2002
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Chat with Chris Sheridan

Chris Sheridan: Greetings from Cleveland, where the locals can't reaaly fathom the thought of one of their tams winning something big. Check out today's column on the subject, which will be up all afternoon and evening until Game 6 is over. Let's get started...

Coop (Hali, NS): Chris, I read an article linked from the Intel report (from the Washington Post, surprise) that speaks about LeBron being afforded the leeway of Jordon with the officials. The travel at the end of that Washington game you feel he gets away with a lot?

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Chris Sheridan: Yes, I do, and I don't like it anymore than I liked seeing MJ go to the line 20 times a night back in the day. LeBron got away with a blatant foul against Chauncey Billups that earned Flip Saunders a technical foul for complaining in the fourth quarter of Game 5. I understand superstars are going to be treated differently, it's been that way for years. But I don't have to pretend it's fair, and I don't have to like it.

Keith (Grand Rapids): Do you think Flip is just straight up being outcoached in the play-offs?

Chris Sheridan: Not having a timeout to use at the end og Game 4 was a pretty big blunder. I spoke to Flip about it before Game 5, and he told me the Pistons had played five or six games this season when they had the ball on a final possession with 2 seconds or so left, needing a basket to tie or win, but never had they had to try such a play without a timeout. They had to inbound from under the Cavs' bucket, and they threw the ball away without even getting off a final shot. Flip said Ben Wallace was wide open all the way downcourt, and if he had used Rasheed Wallace to throw the inbounds pass he might have gotten the ball to Ben.

Greg (Los Angeles): Who do you see with the advantage going into game 7 of the Suns Clippers series? I know the Suns have homecourt but the Clippers have played the Suns very tough at their house. Who do you ultimatley think will win?

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Chris Sheridan: I'm rooting a little for Suns in 7, since that's the only one of my second-round picks that has a chance of being correct. But if the game comes down to one last shot and Sam Cassell takes it, it's going in the the Clippers are going to the conference finals. Should be a great game. That series has been interesting to watch, although the Spurs-Mavericks is an instant classic.

Michael, PR: With the way Detroit has been playing, if they were to survive this series (which I personally do not think they will) do you consider them favorites against the Heat?

Chris Sheridan: Probably not. Their confidence is shaken, and their nonchalance in regards to failing to take the cavs seriously might just be their ultimate undoing. With the way the Heat is playing now, and with detroit having no one who can defend D.Wade, I'd pick the Heat if that series came about.

Tim (Pittsburgh): Jason Terry getting banned for one game, is that a little too ridiculous for a Game 7?

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Chris Sheridan: It's for game 6 only, Tim, but I see what you;re saying. The fact is, if he threw a punch he's going to get suspended for a game. The NBA follows the latter of the law on these kinds of things, just ask any Knicks fan about the "leaving the bench" rule.

Kyle (Lansing, MI): Doesn't anyone remember that the Pistons were down 3-2 in the second round to the Nets two years ago and went on to win the title? Or that they were down 2-1 in the second round to the Pacers last year?

Chris Sheridan: The Michigan media remembers it, and there's a certain reporter who looks like a mini Matt Geiger who writes about it all the time. But the Pistons really haven't faced any adversity at all this season, so it's hard for me to latch on to a case for what happened last year or two years ago. I do, however, believe the Pistons will be loose for this game at the start, but I didn;t like what I saw out of them in Game 5 when they couldn't shake the Cavs. Of course, the flip side of this theory is how loose the Cavs will be. This would be so much bigger than knocking off the Wizards in the first round. This would be a monumental upset. It'll be interesting to see how they come out of the gate tonight.

Ryan (Middletown, NJ): Would you rather have Dirk or Kevin Garnett to start a franchise?

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Chris Sheridan: Dirk, hands down. What exactly has KG accomplished in his career other than signing such a huge contract that it caused the 1998-99 lockout? Dirk is a more complete player, except at the defensive end, and his team is a legit contender year after year after year.

Scott (Minneapolis, MN): A lot of people are saying that the draft is six deep, what is your opinion? Do you have any 2nd rounders you think could make an impact?

Chris Sheridan: I leave draft stuff to our expert, Chad ford, but I will throw in a plug for a player from my alma mater, Marquette, and say that Steve Novak might just be the next Kyle Korver, and he's a better free throw shooter than Steve Nash, John Lucas or Micheal Williams.

Matt (Altoona, PA): Chris, Do you think the Lakers will make a run at a point guard this summer? I know they don't have much cap room.

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Chris Sheridan: They'll have the mid-level exception, which will be more than enough to get Sam Cassell should they try. There are a lot of PGs on the market this summer (You like Speedy Claxton?), so it'll be a buyer's market.

Travis (MI): Dont you think we are all being force-fed the whole "King James" idea? He is an amazing player no doubt, but it seems like the NBA is taking it too far. Jordan (or his team) never got the calls that LBJ and Co. are getting in these playoffs. It seems that "the powers that be" are making sure that the so called "King" advances at any cost.

Chris Sheridan: You're wrong, Travis. Jordan got a lot more calls than LeBron is getting. As for whether he's being force-fed to us, are you kidding me? The guy has been the single most entertaining player in the entire playoffs, not because of the hype but because of how he has played. And he's doing it at 21.

George(Miami): Do you think the Heat can sweep the Cavaliers in the Eastern Conference Finals, if that match up happens?

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Chris Sheridan: I'm finished predicting the Cavs to come out on the wrong end of the sweep. I've learned my lesson in this round. If it's Cavs-Heat beginning Sunday, I'm leaning toward Heat in 6.

Best Playoffs Ever: Yeah, you read it. Best playoffs ever. I'm so sick of hearing complaints about the officiating... it'll be a while before we see another like this year.

Chris Sheridan: Thanks, David.

Ben (Meadowlands Muck): Can the Nets get a BIG MAN that can play defense and score?!?! Our playoff series went up in smoke when Uncle Cliffy did.......

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Chris Sheridan: Has the Marc Jackson-Bostjan Nachbar trade ever looked worse? The Nets did it to get below the luxury tax threshold, but they gave away the one guy they needed when Spliff Robinson got suspended. They're going to be right up against the tax again next season, so I'm not certain they're going to spend their mid-level exception on a big.

Tom (SF): Come on Chris you're a New Yorker where is Larry Brown going to end up, and do you think he'd help get the Warriors to the playoffs next year?

Chris Sheridan: I think Brown to Golden State makes sense on a lot of levels. LB and GS owner Chris Cohan play golf together in the Hamptons each summer, so they're friendly, and I'd imagine LB's wife would enjoy living in San Francisco. I don't see LB as a fit with the Maloofs, who are having so much say in the hiring of the next coach that it just might drive Geoff Petrie out of his job. But would LB get the Warriors to the playoffs? I wouldn't go that far. I've seen him lose two teams in three years (2004 U.S. Olympic team, 2005-06 Knicks), and I'm not sure that the Warriors roster, with all those long-term contracts, would respond to his style. The Pistons were a perfect fit for him, a bunch of castoffs who needed a galvanizing force. Until he finds another team like that, I think he should stay on the sidelines.

Ted (Houston): Will the Rockets trade Tracy McGrady this offseason? At this point would he bring much?

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Chris Sheridan: His back injury has made him pretty much untradeable. Until he shows he can play again, he'll be the property of the Rockets.

Jeff (Iowa): Cavs-Clippers finals? Good or bad for the NBA?

Chris Sheridan: I think it'd be great, but I'm sure I'm in the minority. The freak factor of having the clippers in would probably be more valuable in terms of drawing in casual fans than I think most people realize.

Scott (Cleveland): If the Cavs can finish off the upset tonight, can you PLEASE write an article giving the Cavs all the credit they deserve, rather than how Detriot blew it. This is potentially the biggest sporting day this city has seen in a LONG time, and we deserve the credit.

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Chris Sheridan: There are two sides to every story, Scott. They teach you that on the first day of Journalism 101. If y'all win tonight, just enjoy it for what it is and stop worrying about how it's written. The Pistons really are blowing it, you know, and you can;t ignore that part of the equation.

Bryan (Springdale): I like what Stephen A. had to say on his show that there is no way he wants to hang out in San Antonion for a few you think the Spurs and Pistons believe that they are boring to watch?

Chris Sheridan: Did you see what Mark Cuban said about San Antonio? Hang on a sec while I get the exact quote ...

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Chris Sheridan: The quote was: "There isn't going to be one fan in there (in Dallas tonight) that doesn't believe that we can kick their butt all the way back to that ugly-ass, muddy-watered thing they call a Riverwalk."

Mike (Macomb MI): Chris, What is your prediction for the rest of the Pistons/Cavs series? Will Det pull it off or will they go down to the Cavs?

Chris Sheridan: Gotta go with Pistons in 7, though if I was a gambling man I wouldn't be laying six points tonight.

Remil (Saint John, NB): Who's your MVP of the playoffs so far?

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Chris Sheridan: LeBron James, then Dwyane Wade, then Elton Brand.

Reggie (Orlando): Dirk is a more complete player except at the defensive end?? Did you really just type that? That makes about as much sense as *I've won at every level except college and the pros*

Chris Sheridan: I was there the day Shaq uttered that infamous quote, inside a Reebok tent at the Atlanta Olympics. One of my editors took it out of the story, which is one of my favorite horror stories to tell about AP editors. On your first point, Reggie, I stand by it. Dirk is a better shooter, passer, ballhandler and leader, and he can score in the low post as well as Kev. It wasn't always that way, but Dirk has really improved that aspect of his game.

Tony (Blacksburg, VA): Has Wild Thing Varejo turned into the X factor in this series? Without him playing like he is playing Detroit probably would have won this in 5.

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Chris Sheridan: I'd say he's earned Drew Gooden's job. Any of you Nets' posters like him? He'll be available as a restricted free agent, and I can't see the Cavs matching an offer for the full mid-level.

Dave (New yorK): No mention of Sam Cassel in playoff NBA talks? Aside from the D and leadership, has anyone his more game-winners and/or -icers this playoffs? (except bronbron)

Chris Sheridan: Dave, nobody throws more props Sam's way than I do, and I've been doing it for a month now on this site. Read back to the early past of this chat where I made a little quasi-prediction for the final possession of Monday night's game.

Matt (Taylors, SC): Do you think that the officiating in the playoffs has been some of the worst you've seen in the past decade?

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Chris Sheridan: Not exactly, but I don't remember so many disputed block-charge calls. I was there in Miami in 2000 when Bennett Salvatore awarded a timeout to the Latrell Sprewell of the Knicks after initially signalling Heat ball on a crucial late play, and Sprewell said after the game that he hadn't called timeout. That was about as bad of a call as I've ever seen, although Bennett's non-timeout call and non-foul call in Game 4 of Suns-Lakers was pretty bad.

Mitch (Mtown): Usually the playoffs are drawn out and leave you tired. This year they seem to make yuou want more and more. Is this a fluke or is the NBA back from its hiatus?

Chris Sheridan: They've shortened the number of days for each series, and there's rarely anymore three and four days off between games like there was a couple years ago. Does that mean the NBA is back from its hiatus? Depends on how compelling the next two rounds are.

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Chris Sheridan: My Internet got cut off as I was posting my final question and answer. Sorry about that, but Marriott wants its $9.95 to keep me humming online. Thanks for all the good questions today, folks, and enjoy the games tonight. We'll chat again next Friday.


ASFN Lifer
Sep 22, 2002
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"Dirk is a better shooter, passer, ballhandler and leader"..than KG.

I think that's ridiculous. Dirk is a better 3P-shooter, but as a passer, ballhandler and defender KG is (much) better.

Joe Mama

Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
hcsilla said:
"Dirk is a better shooter, passer, ballhandler and leader"..than KG.

I think that's ridiculous. Dirk is a better 3P-shooter, but as a passer, ballhandler and defender KG is (much) better.

you beat me to it, and this has nothing to do with the fact that I would like to see the Phoenix Suns acquire KG. if someone could magically go back and switch Dirk and Kevin Garnett for the last 7-8 years the Mavericks would have at least one and possibly multiple championship banners hanging in their building. Dirk has always had a much better supporting cast around him, even the year Minnesota was in the Western Conference finals.


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