Okay, if I take too long typing a response, when I get back to the board, everything shows read. Am I just a doofus, or does everyone suffer from this?
Talking ain't all she can do...Assface said:Why does it take so long to type your responses, do you have an annoying wife that talks on and on and on about coupons while you're trying to post?
Okay, I just wanted to make sure it's not me. I read that other thread and I understand their points. The only trouble I have with the whole (look at the time of the last post) is when there is a post that is multiple pages long. I may have read a page or two last time I was on, but now the flippin' thing is 6 pages. I've got to read through and find where I left off instead of being able to jump right to the last post....jw7 said:
The "Forums Read" has been a constant issue without a great solution, see the above thread.
In a few weeks, the bulletin board software is promising a true database-driven forum marking system which in theory should make it better. It is already past beta, and in release canidate status so shouldn't be too much longer.
One time, at band camp.....Ryanwb said:One time I was eating Triscuits and I found a cheeze-it like cracker inside the box.
Ryanwb said:One time I was eating Triscuits and I found a cheeze-it like cracker inside the box.
KingofCards said:Triscuits are like Frosted mini-wheats without the sugar coated side.