Its been three months....time for another trade for KG thread

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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Yes its another KG thread....

I maintain that if/when KG is traded (im thinking Ricky Davis for all his improvement, is not the answer) this summer, the Suns would be ideal trading partners more so than anyone else in the league....Not only does it fill his requirement of coming to a winner, but we have the leadership in place, the cap room (as of now) and the young pieces that it would take to get him from Minny....In fact i cant even think of one team that is close to us in terms of what we can offer....

So my package that i would offer has always been Marion (wait i want to say something real fast. I am no longer on the trade Marion bandwagon, even at his salary. His play this year has shut me up and i like everything i have seen out of him from demeanor to defense and improving offense he is everything to this team and has stepped up considerbly. Kudos to you have converted a detractor) Barbosa, and two draft picks. That’s a hell of a package and i think Minnesota would be stupid not to chase that in that both guys would start at positions of need and they could rebuild with draft picks as well.

But i have been biggest concern is that Amare and KG would butt heads (more from Amare's side and rightfully so) as who is alpha dog in the clubhouse and on the court...

elindholm posted something the other day that really scared me. He said that if we could win it all this year but hobble Amare forever, he would do it because of the nature of the microfracture surgery. If he really does have to get it repaired over and over again....well thats bad news....I have read the same thing, but only in one article so i am hoping that is a worst case scenario. But lets assume a couple things:

(I preface this knowing it is heresy, alarmist and paranoid. Know that I love Amare and I want him back at full strength so I can about my exisistence knowing I have one of the three best players in the league on my team. That is my preference)

-Amare has to get surgery redone every five years….
-Amare is 80% of his explosive self, but still is an effective 25 point 10 rebound guy
-Amare comes back in late March, but it is apparent he is not the same

So let me ask? Do you trade Amare this offseason for KG straight up?

I tend to agree with eric that there are no certainties in the NBA and if we can get a ring, it’s in the best interests of everybody to cash out and go for it……

Minnesota would be getting back the young star they crave, albeit with a knee issue and the salaries would be off setting ( I think)

So why do I even bring this up….because we have a player who is getting up in age (Nash) but is playing at such a phenomenal level that we need to get a ring while he still can produce at this level (which IMO is the next two seasons after this ) and we have the perfect complement in Marion to KG’s game as we would be hands down the best passing and rebounding team in the league….

So this is our line up


With Jones, House, Diaw, Barbosa all coming off the bench….dont we beat Detroit and San Antonio 9 times out of 10?

Its seems like a pretty risk free bet if the guys remain healthy, and although we would be older, we would have the right infusion of youth and experience at the right positions…..

So assuming Amare is not where he was previously, do you make this trade????

Obviously the more time that goes by, the better we can evaluate this being a good idea, but from your feelings of where we stand now and how it will turn out with the smart thing to do????


Irrelevance Sucks :(
Dec 21, 2004
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Orlando, FL
No way I'd trade Amare. I am optomistic about his knee, and hes 8 years younger than KG. He also is a perfect fit for our system. KG likes the offense to run through him, we need it to run through Nash.
Arizona's Finest

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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One more question I have: Lets say the Suns were on the verge of making the trade, but the particulars were not leaked out.....which trade would you be hoping it was?

-Marion, Barbosa, and 2 high draft picks?



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Oct 17, 2002
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Los Angeles area
Arizona's Finest said:
One more question I have: Lets say the Suns were on the verge of making the trade, but the particulars were not leaked out.....which trade would you be hoping it was?

-Marion, Barbosa, and 2 high draft picks?


If it HAD to be one, I'd rather it be Marion. But I wouldn't do either one.

I'd rather find out Stoudemire would never be the same again on Phoenix, than that he was who I wanted him to be-- but in Minnesota.

The Commish

Jun 16, 2004
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San Francisco
Arizona's Finest said:
One more question I have: Lets say the Suns were on the verge of making the trade, but the particulars were not leaked out.....which trade would you be hoping it was?

-Marion, Barbosa, and 2 high draft picks?


Neither... If any one of those deals happened I would purchase 1000 gallons of gasoline and pack of matches and subsequently light the US Airways Center on fire. I'm not a pyro, but thats pretty much how pissed I would be. KG is gettin older and I have started to see it in his game. No way we end up trading for him and his ginormous contract.
Arizona's Finest

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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fordronken said:
If it HAD to be one, I'd rather it be Marion. But I wouldn't do either one.

I'd rather find out Stoudemire would never be the same again on Phoenix, than that he was who I wanted him to be-- but in Minnesota.


I think that sums it up for me as well....

but damn i want a ring and im getting worried for thursday...


Standing Tall And Traded
Sep 22, 2002
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Boise, ID
It's been three months...Time for Amare to get better. I'm not sure what kind fo trade value he will have and while having KG would be nice, losing Amare even with his knee would not be smart.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2004
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Does sound pretty good on paper. lol Offense wise, Amare > KG but KG is very good at rebounding the ball which we severely lack.

Is this even possible in terms of salary? I mean do we have to sacrifice Amare to KG?

I think T-Wolves don't mind having Amare as the franchise player. lol But didn't we get Nash for Amare's game? That will be weird if Amare gets traded. I don't know... this KG trade sounds too funky to me.



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Dec 3, 2004
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The ONLY thing I am worried about is Amare's knees. His knees seem to get injured easily.... sigh.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
EVERY basketball player's knees are more susceptible to injury than the normal person. Amare has one small microfracture surgery and now he's injury-prone?

A lot of people are really taking an alarmist view of the situation, with virtually no knowedge of it.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
The Wolves absolutely would not accept Stoudemire for Garnett straight up. There's no point dumping your franchise player to build around a guy whose career is in serious jeopardy. Minnesota has done some stupid things before, but not that stupid.

Similarly, there's no point in the Suns even dreaming about Garnett anymore, unless (a) Stoudemire comes back looking as good as ever and (b) Marion starts griping about his recognition or shots or whatever his chienne du jour is. Until then, the Suns are stuck with what they have, and their best hope is to try to make it work as is.


Sep 2, 2002
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elindholm said:
Until then, the Suns are stuck with what they have, and their best hope is to try to make it work as is.

A rather grim way of looking at things, wouldn't you agree? I am pretty pleased with the current state of the team, and the long term situation.


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Dec 3, 2004
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Chaplin said:
EVERY basketball player's knees are more susceptible to injury than the normal person. Amare has one small microfracture surgery and now he's injury-prone?

A lot of people are really taking an alarmist view of the situation, with virtually no knowedge of it.
Amare has missed 72 games in 4 seasons. I do consider Amare injury prone because 1.) he is young and not an oldie 2.) the injury he has is not one of those "oops, I sprain my ankle. Amare has missed ALL THE GAMES this season so far.

I AM worried about Amare's health. You can be optimistic but his injury doesn't come the right time, let's put it this way. This year is "supposed" to be Amare's breakout year and even Amare himself said it in the interview. Now he is injured for the whole season so far. We built a team AROUND Amare and now he is not playing. This is the kind of injury that would hurt the whole franchise but luckily the team can still survive before he comes back, when? This season? Is he healthy enough? When he comes back, does he have time to gel with the team?

What Amare has is not a "small" injury you seem to believe. When you miss at least 44 games a season, it's not a SMALL injury.

Actually, why are you so optimistic about Amare's injury?

Edit: I just did some math and Amare has missed about 24% of the total games he is supposed to play....that's almost 25% which is 1/4 of his career INJURED. Ok, Amare is not injury proned.... he needs to prove that once he comes back.
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Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
jibikao said:
Amare has missed 72 games in 4 seasons. I do consider Amare injury prone because 1.) he is young and not an oldie 2.) the injury he has is not one of those "oops, I sprain my ankle. Amare has missed ALL THE GAMES this season so far.

I AM worried about Amare's health. You can be optimistic but his injury doesn't come the right time, let's put it this way. This year is "supposed" to be Amare's breakout year and even Amare himself said it in the interview. Now he is injured for the whole season so far. We built a team AROUND Amare and now he is not playing. This is the kind of injury that would hurt the whole franchise but luckily the team can still survive before he comes back, when? This season? Is he healthy enough? When he comes back, does he have time to gel with the team?

What Amare has is not a "small" injury you seem to believe. When you miss at least 44 games a season, it's not a SMALL injury.

Actually, why are you so optimistic about Amare's injury?

Who said I was optimistic? I'm just not ready to write off his career as you and others are seemingly doing. (Eric has bought into it recently, which is just as alarming)

Why? Because of the size and location of the injury, as well as the fact that we really have no knowledge whatsoever of this kind of injury. You can't bring up Penny Hardaway, Chris Webber and others, because the only similarity in this case is the fact that the surgery is named the same. Amare does NOT have arthritic knees, and it is not in a position where it will be hampered by everyday running.

As for trading Amare for KG... IF we are trading him because we think he might not be as effective, why in the world would Minnesota want to trade for him? One-sided trades just don't work, unless you're talking about a role player like Skita.


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Oct 17, 2002
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Los Angeles area
elindholm said:
Similarly, there's no point in the Suns even dreaming about Garnett anymore, unless (a) Stoudemire comes back looking as good as ever and (b) Marion starts griping about his recognition or shots or whatever his chienne du jour is.

His cat of the day?


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Dec 3, 2004
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Chaplin said:
Who said I was optimistic? I'm just not ready to write off his career as you and others are seemingly doing. (Eric has bought into it recently, which is just as alarming)

Why? Because of the size and location of the injury, as well as the fact that we really have no knowledge whatsoever of this kind of injury. You can't bring up Penny Hardaway, Chris Webber and others, because the only similarity in this case is the fact that the surgery is named the same. Amare does NOT have arthritic knees, and it is not in a position where it will be hampered by everyday running.

As for trading Amare for KG... IF we are trading him because we think he might not be as effective, why in the world would Minnesota want to trade for him? One-sided trades just don't work, unless you're talking about a role player like Skita.

Don't worry, I did say that trade between KG and Amare is funky. It doesn't work right IMO.

I am worried about Amare's health and I've stated the reasons. He is a franchise player and missing almost 25% of the games is too injury prone IMO. Maybe this surgery will make him an ironman and he can play at least 15-17 seasons (which Amare said).

I did not write off Amare. I just said he is injury prone, which he is so far.


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Nov 3, 2004
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jibikao said:
Amare has missed 72 games in 4 seasons. I do consider Amare injury prone because 1.) he is young and not an oldie 2.) the injury he has is not one of those "oops, I sprain my ankle. Amare has missed ALL THE GAMES this season so far.

you make it sound like amare is the second coming of Camby.

Amare, has had two injuries his entire career, and unfortunately both injuries have required significant rest.

now if amare had 7 instances where he missed 10 games throughout his career, THEN he'd be injury prone.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
His cat of the day?

Check your French, and don't forget the gender. ;)

I am pretty pleased with the current state of the team, and the long term situation.

Without Stoudemire this is just another 50-and-fade team. No one else on the roster has the game to lead the franchise to a championship, and unless they luck out with one of the Atlanta picks, there's no mechanism for them to get another young superstar.

If Stoudemire comes back strong and can play several years, great; otherwise they're screwed.

(Eric has bought into it recently, which is just as alarming)

For some reason I still believe that it's possible to discuss possibilities versus certainties on this board, although, heaven help me, I don't know why, given the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Translation: No, I haven't written off Stoudemire's career, and I didn't say or even imply any such thing. But anyone who isn't concerned is simply not being realistic.

It is a fact that Stoudemire has cartliage missing in his knee, and it is a fact that cartilage cannot be regrown. Therefore, by definition, there is something permanently wrong with his knee. That is not "gloom and doom" or jumping to conclusions or anything else you want to call it. It is a fact.

Now the question becomes, can the miracles of modern science repair the knee to the point where, in spite of its intrinsic weakness, it still functions at a high level? Maybe, maybe not. We won't know until we get there, but to assume that the answer is Yes is just too much starry-eyed optimism for me.


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Dec 3, 2004
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asudevil83 said:
you make it sound like amare is the second coming of Camby.

Amare, has had two injuries his entire career, and unfortunately both injuries have required significant rest.

now if amare had 7 instances where he missed 10 games throughout his career, THEN he'd be injury prone.

And Suns franchise will be ruined if that ever happens!

No, I don't think Amare is as injury prone as Camby...hell, I think Camby is THE most injury prone player this season so far. lol

I just hope he doesn't get injured that often. We are not even talking about injuries that cause by others (elbow the jaw for example). Didn't Amare sign the big contract the day BEFORE he announces the surgery? I've read somewhere about this... oh, that's smart!


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
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Nobody would trade a first team All Star for Amare right now.

Even if Amare comes back and plays like his old self a lot of teams wouldn't do it because of the risk of a recurrence.

Amare's greatest value is to the Suns. They are stuck with him now good or bad
Arizona's Finest

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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devilalum said:
Nobody would trade a first team All Star for Amare right now.

Even if Amare comes back and plays like his old self a lot of teams wouldn't do it because of the risk of a recurrence.

Amare's greatest value is to the Suns. They are stuck with him now good or bad

my goodness how things have changed....sigh


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
devilalum said:
Nobody would trade a first team All Star for Amare right now.

Even if Amare comes back and plays like his old self a lot of teams wouldn't do it because of the risk of a recurrence.

Amare's greatest value is to the Suns. They are stuck with him now good or bad

"Stuck" with Amare? My God, what happened to this place?


Croissant Eater
Jul 6, 2005
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elindholm said:
His cat of the day?

Check your French, and don't forget the gender. ;)

His bitch of the day... funny frenchism Eric, and even funnier for me because the expression have no idiomatic meaning in french...

elindholm said:
Without Stoudemire this is just another 50-and-fade team. No one else on the roster has the game to lead the franchise to a championship, and unless they luck out with one of the Atlanta picks, there's no mechanism for them to get another young superstar.

If Stoudemire comes back strong and can play several years, great; otherwise they're screwed.

For some reason I still believe that it's possible to discuss possibilities versus certainties on this board, although, heaven help me, I don't know why, given the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Translation: No, I haven't written off Stoudemire's career, and I didn't say or even imply any such thing. But anyone who isn't concerned is simply not being realistic.

It is a fact that Stoudemire has cartilage missing in his knee, and it is a fact that cartilage cannot be regrown. Therefore, by definition, there is something permanently wrong with his knee. That is not "gloom and doom" or jumping to conclusions or anything else you want to call it. It is a fact.

Now the question becomes, can the miracles of modern science repair the knee to the point where, in spite of its intrinsic weakness, it still functions at a high level? Maybe, maybe not. We won't know until we get there, but to assume that the answer is Yes is just too much starry-eyed optimism for me.

I agree 100%. Don't wanna be a darksider but there's some chances that Amare'll never be the same again, because the microfracture surgery is not a magical trick that make cartilage grow again : that fills the hole with a quite fragile tissue made of marrow blood, nothing more.

And I'm concerned because I'm afraid that he'll have his knee "re-opened" at least once before the end of his career. Maybe the choice of a borderline obsolete (but fast) surgical method scares the hell out of me, too.

We should plan for the worst and hope for the best.
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edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
funny frenchism Eric, and even funnier for me because the expression have no idiomatic meaning in french...

Yeah, I figured it didn't, but it was worth a joke anyway.