10 percent to Murray just excuses almost all of his immaturity issues. A truly great QB, or at least one that wants to be great, doesn't pout, develop bad habits, or not put in the book work even under bad coaching. They do their best regardless, and while I think Kyler did his best physically, he didn't do near enough, IMO, with the intellectual part of being a QB. Like, not nearly enough.
I'd go evensies all around. 25 percent each to KM for stated reasons, 25 percent each to Keim and Kliffy for obvious reasons, and a good 25 percent share to Dollar Bill's son Mikey, who is so inept as to be almost criminal. They were all equally culpable to me.
The ghost of Dollar Bill still haunts us for sure!
The young ones don't even know my friend.
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