By technicalities, you do mean facts right? What do you know about these animals that gives you any idea what they are good for and that they are nothing more than someones hobby? That is just a ridiculous post.
I had my Pits because they were fast and fun and great swimmers. I live on the water and loved going for swims in the morning with my dogs. Is that really so horrible? Was I getting some sick satisfaction from it? I thought it was cool that my dog could run and jump straight over my head or hang from a tree branch by it's teeth until I told it to stop.
I guess as sports fans we should consider ourselves to be sick and the players are nothing more than something for us to gawk at because we appreciate their amazing athleticism?
No you haven't. You said you were attacked by a Rotty. What the hell does that have to do with a Pitt Bull. I guess we should put down all of the poodles too becuase you were bit by a Rottweiler?
On top of this, you want to justify your hate for a species because of one memeber of it that wronged you? Wow, what word comes to mind when I read over this?
I have no tolerance for someone's hobby that has the potential to invoke the highest level of trauma. [.quote]
Who is asking you to? Nobody is supporting the fighting of these animals.
Again, what doew this have to do with a Pit Bull?
Thank you for proving my point. First though, let me just say that any police officer will tell you that they are prdered to shoot any dogs that are in their way when they madke a domestic violence call.
Now, you are obviously talking about some crappy individuals here. They are beating each other up and the police had to be called. Would you expect them to raiser any sort of healthy-minded creature???? If this guy beats his wife, what do you think he does to the dog?
Also, if the dog was normal, picture the scenario: It's owners are fighting and acting crazy so he must already be really spooked and then this stranger comes into their home yelling at his owners and him.
I agree, though I dont recall reading anything about whether he was havbing it put down or not. It should have been put down on the spot IMO.
Your entire post is self serving crap. You and others have animals that have the ability to do monstrous damage and your reasons for having them are purely selfish. Next time I encounter one of these marauding beasts I'll be sure to ID their breed to keep your kind happy. Or maybe I will just cap him on the spot and figure it out later. There is absolutely no sense in threads like these. Owners of these animals have little respect for others and a misplaced right of superiority and are usually as flawed as their prized puppies. They do not belong in general society.
They have jaws that could bite through a 2 x 4 and when on a leash, it must be capable of lifting about a thousand pounds. How about those 6 foot fences around the yard they prowl in? Now I am sure the owners will all tell you those restrictions are unfairly mandated by law. We have all heard the same line of defense.
The ridiculous nature of defending a breed by comparing it to other breeds is shallow. It is nothing more than drivel.
I am done. As a dog attack victim, I don't need to defend myself.