Jim Collett..per jurecki - cards have asked ravens..


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Originally posted by Jim Omohundro
All three examples listed above do not seem out of the ordinary for any member of the media. A media member gets a story and reports it. A media member observes something and he reports it.

If a coach tells something to a reporter, why can't he report it?

So it was brought to your attention in Western New York that someone is talking bad about a team that has not had a winning season since 1998? Who cares? What is wrong about giving an honest observation? What do you want him to say? That they were good? Jurecki is not telling secrets in Western New York. The Cardinals had just FOUR WINS. Four is four in any state. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

As far as Green goes, Jurecki has always maintained that if the Cardinals wanted to make a big splash that they should hire Green. It is not what he would have done but he is far from kissing up to anyone. The fact is that Green is the coach and Jurecki is giving credit to the Cardinals for getting the guy they wanted all along.

According to you and your strange logic, it is not my place to comment on this, but I felt compelled to do so.

While I do not agree with everything that Jurecki says, I do give him credit for being very fair to the Cardinals. It is his job to be critical when the need is there, but he also gives praise when it is warranted. That is what separates him from the others.

Here, here, Jim. Damn, but that's refreshing honesty from a company employee. Better an organization recognize problems than ignore them, pretend they aren't there, and be upset if anyone tries to point them out. You da man!

Now, with Denny here, hopefully those problems all go away!


May 5, 2003
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Originally posted by Jim Omohundro
The difference is that he doesn't pile on. He also will commend a good move where most other talk show guys will still find a way to twist it in a negative light.

This is kinda getting away from the main topic I gather but I wanted to ask something.

I wanted to start a thread (sometime soon) about the difference between east coast and west coast fans. And the above statement outlines one.

It seems after you lived in the west or Arizona to be specific you tend to think "to pile on" is a bad thing or an injustice. Now this may be true when say you are discussing the lets say eagles. If they go 11-5, 10-6, 9-7, 13-3 then go 4-12 and your a media guy in philly saying hoiw awful they are and they can do nothing right, now that is to "pile on" and be an ass.

But it is real hard, in fact impossible, to say hey these media guys in AZ are good because they rarely speak up against the organization or because they put a positive spin on everything, or even that they post the good news.

Well here in the east we call reporters that will post all the good news in a good light about teams that NEVER win a load of dung. I say give me a Gambo like guy (dont really read his stuff but I know he gets Arizonians panties in a twist which is enough for me to know he writes good stuff) who tells it likes it is and "piles on" to humiliate people who do not deserve their position and light a fire under people who can change it to change it.

If I had a working record like the cardinals and I was in charge of your health care or well being I bet you sure as hell would raise a HUGE fuss. I expect the same for the media covering my team.

I dont want to hear how the cardinals paid to have a new table for their water cups and how great that is and how it could change everything. Meanwhile we are in the middle of a 700 year losing streak. I have NO use for those media types.

Now Im not saying this jureki(sp?) guy is. I dont know him, never really read him or anything. Im just saying that is the difference between east/west coast media.

We want our sh*t to stink, we dont want people to deodorize it and make it smell pretty when it isnt which I find most Arizonia media does and most arizonian fans love.


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ
He is getting on Fassell because he bombed in his interview in Buffalo and he was basically begging to get back in the Cardinals mix. He waited too long. Due to the fact that Gibbs was hired in Washington, the Cardinals gained lots of leverage in negotiations which is something that rarely happens. Fassell messed up, and Jurecki is reporting that fact.
Ah hah! "Splains things.

The only bone I have to pick with MJ is that he's so thin and I'm so...well...

Jim O

Registered User
Sep 4, 2002
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Tempe, AZ
Originally posted by swd1974
But it is real hard, in fact impossible, to say hey these media guys in AZ are good because they rarely speak up against the organization or because they put a positive spin on everything, or even that they post the good news.


All I am saying is that Jurecki will tell it like it is...even on the rare occasion that it is good news. In contrast, other "reporters" will often spin it to the bad side. He doesn't ignore the bad stuff. He will kill the team if need be, but he won't spin a good move to make it look bad like other reporters so often do.


May 5, 2003
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Originally posted by Jim Omohundro

All I am saying is that Jurecki will tell it like it is...even on the rare occasion that it is good news. In contrast, other "reporters" will often spin it to the bad side. He doesn't ignore the bad stuff. He will kill the team if need be, but he won't spin a good move to make it look bad like other reporters so often do.

Yeah I got that from your original thread and my post turned out to be more of a preview of my east vs west future thread than I wanted it to be.

But I think alot of west coast fans hate reporters who do pile on. Where as in the east we believe you should pile on until you win more than 8 games lol

But I see your point. I personally do not read many Arizonian writers unless they are on this board.
:D But of all the ones I read Gambo seems like the one saying in like it is between 50-70% of the time, where as the other ones I read (which I dont look for writers names so I dont know who they are) are right about 25% of the time.

If I read an article after a 4-12 year talking about all the good things that were done I get sick to my stomach. Here in philly if they went 4-12 you wouldnt see 1 good sentence lol

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