At least Q doesn't refer to himself as "The Quentin."
I not sure how anyone can say that "The Donald" is not a self-promoter. He is the Don King of the business world, complete with funny looking hair. He seems to relish the role of a hatchet man. Not the trait of someone with class. (Duncan has always had a reputation of having class)
"The Donald" is married to a supermodel, a celebrity.
"The Donald's" penthouse has more "bling" than a rap star's.
The corporation that declared bankruptcy was a publicly traded co. By that point, he was playing with other people's money.
"The Donald" does shameless self-promotion; it is good business.
Q does his head banging thing; it is hot dogging. Not good business?
I'm sure that Trump's show has improved moral at his business. But, has Q's thing not pumped up his teammates? It pumps up the fans. It is part of the entertainment experience, which translates to putting butts in the seats. That's business. I would argue that business has hurt the sport. The slick marketer, David Stern has focused more on the net profits and less on the product.
I also feel that "basket-brawl" would be more up Trumps alley based on the few episodes of his show that I have had to endure (my wife watches the show).
I believe that I understand what ColoradoSun was saying, though the comparison of Duncan with Trump was not accurate (and an insult to Duncan IMO). They have completely different styles and personalities. Maybe Duncan should have his own catch phrase, like "your shot is rejected" or "your eliminated (from the playoffs)."
As far as the Quote:
"I admire that more than what anyone has accomplished in the NBA."
I would say that I admire Manute Bol and KJ more.
Sorry for the Trump rant, ColoradoSun.
It is just a hot button for me. (Don't get me started on Starbucks, unless you want to see the venom spew.)
I do agree that some players take the celebration too far, such as Mutumbo's finger wag. That is taunting, pure and simple.
Don't mean to gang up on you ColoradoSun. We still luv ya!