

Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2003
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Gee From The G
I will watch this movie, because it looks somewhat interesting.. But gosh dammit.. I better see some explosions or karate kicks to the face.. Or its getting low marks from me.. just saying..

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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Killjoy Central
Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Calls Out Ashton Kutcher

Somewhere out there, there’s definitely a good movie about Steve Jobs that exists. And while it might be the untitled biopic written by Aaron Sorkin, it isn’t Joshua Michael Stern’s Jobs, which opened this weekend, at least if our own Mack’s review is to be believed. But if you don’t trust Mack, how about Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak? You know, the guy played by Josh Gad in the movie? As stated in his public review of the film on Gizmodo (in the comment section, no less), he wouldn’t recommend it. Has anyone been standing near Jobs’ grave to hear if he’s been rolling around in it?

Specifically, he said, “I thought the acting throughout was good. I was attentive and entertained but not greatly enough to recommend the movie. I suspect a lot of what was wrong with the film came from Ashton’s own image of Jobs.” It’s a compliment and an insult wrapped into one, telling someone they did a great job on getting their character wrong.

It has to be strange to go to a movie and watch your life, or someone’s interpretation of it, and there are a lot of people involved with this story that are very much still alive and probably don’t want to see their reputations get shat on. “I felt bad for many people I know well who were portrayed wrongly in their interactions with Jobs and the company,” Wozniak said.


Apr 30, 2003
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I will watch this movie, because it looks somewhat interesting.. But gosh dammit.. I better see some explosions or karate kicks to the face.. Or its getting low marks from me.. just saying..

I dunno.

You might get some fancy keyboard work......but that is about it.


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
Caught it on demand over the weekend. Didn't hate it. I actually enjoyed watching it like a history lesson (not the details, mind you, but the big picture timeline of the Apple early years).

Not the best of movies. Jumped through time too much, with characters appearing and disappearing through eras without much explanation. I couldn't tell if this was because they thought the details of his life were such common knowledge that they didn't have to connect the dots (i.e. his daughter suddenly living with him as a teenager) or it was just shoddy direction/writing.

I think Kutcher did a good job, though, of trying to show Steve Jobs, warts and all. He was not likable at all, yet he was strangely magnetic.

Wife loved it but she did say, "My God, did anyone in the IT revolution get rich without screwing over their partners or actual creators of the product?"


All In!
Supporting Member
Banned from P+R
Mar 28, 2003
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Caught it on demand over the weekend. Didn't hate it. I actually enjoyed watching it like a history lesson (not the details, mind you, but the big picture timeline of the Apple early years).

Not the best of movies. Jumped through time too much, with characters appearing and disappearing through eras without much explanation. I couldn't tell if this was because they thought the details of his life were such common knowledge that they didn't have to connect the dots (i.e. his daughter suddenly living with him as a teenager) or it was just shoddy direction/writing.

I think Kutcher did a good job, though, of trying to show Steve Jobs, warts and all. He was not likable at all, yet he was strangely magnetic.

Wife loved it but she did say, "My God, did anyone in the IT revolution get rich without screwing over their partners or actual creators of the product?"

I watched it too and there were too things at the end that irked me.

First, how he stumbled across Jonathan Ive and made it seems like Jobs pushed him to created the iMac desing and gave Ive very little credit for the iMac, iPod and iPhone designs. In fact, right after that they show Jobs with a Discman and it lead others the believe it was Jobs who came up with it based on that.

The other thing that they left out was that Microsoft saved Apple when Jobs came back by investing a ton of money ($150 million) into the compnay and kept it from going under.
Last edited:

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Caught it on demand over the weekend. Didn't hate it. I actually enjoyed watching it like a history lesson (not the details, mind you, but the big picture timeline of the Apple early years).

Not the best of movies. Jumped through time too much, with characters appearing and disappearing through eras without much explanation. I couldn't tell if this was because they thought the details of his life were such common knowledge that they didn't have to connect the dots (i.e. his daughter suddenly living with him as a teenager) or it was just shoddy direction/writing.

I think Kutcher did a good job, though, of trying to show Steve Jobs, warts and all. He was not likable at all, yet he was strangely magnetic.

Wife loved it but she did say, "My God, did anyone in the IT revolution get rich without screwing over their partners or actual creators of the product?"

We watched it too. I guess it's Hollywood and all but I was surprised at some of the stuff in there. They start out with the iPod and again as I posted before, all Jobs did was recognize it could be done better, it already existed(a digital music player) they just made it better and iTunes was the key. That whole thing with jobs on his Walkman is garbage, Fadell was hired as a consultant to finish a product he'd already started, Apple hired him to finish the iPod, Jobs did not invent that product. They don't even use Fadell's name in the movie at the very beginning they made up a name I can't even recall what it was.

I also thought the characterization of Bill Atkinson was interesting. He was at Magic too, let's just say a very "interesting" guy. He went on "sabbatical" and never came back. Then later his wife went on Sabbatical and never came back. In both cases it was because of complaints filed, one by a female employee, one by a male prospective employee, both involved inappropriate comments and it was widely known throughout the company. They apparently had an "open marriage" and thought that meant the whole company was their singles bar.

Hertzfeld came off as very naive in the movie, he was younger but the guy was absolutely brilliant and EXTREMELY self confident at Magic, I really can't picture him responding to the are you good question by saying I think so. He was one of those our software is better, people might not get that but that's their problem not ours kind of people.

I'm also fairly certain they screwed up the timeline on the return of Jobs. They had him returning to the Apple Headquarters in Cupertino near the freeway, I am fairly certain when he came back the group he was in was actually at the site on Stevens Creek further down. I'm fairly certain that's how Amelio was blindsided by the whole thing Jobs was working in a completely different set of buildings gaining power without Amelio being there to see it.

he did save that company though he was smart enough to recognize they needed to round file everything but a few products.

I liked the movie, I was surprised how well Kutcher pulled it off.


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Hertzfeld came off as very naive in the movie, he was younger but the guy was absolutely brilliant and EXTREMELY self confident at Magic, I really can't picture him responding to the are you good question by saying I think so. He was one of those our software is better, people might not get that but that's their problem not ours kind of people.

What was the point of him being in the movie at all? They asked him to join a team and then he's never really heard from again (on screen). If they took a revisionist approach with who invented what, why toss him into the mix at all? The more I think about it, the more I believe the director was just not up for the job.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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What was the point of him being in the movie at all? They asked him to join a team and then he's never really heard from again (on screen). If they took a revisionist approach with who invented what, why toss him into the mix at all? The more I think about it, the more I believe the director was just not up for the job.

I don't think he was a huge part of Apple's success in that he was a programmer not a guy making exec decisions, but he was one of those guys who made the software what it was. The guy is a freaking genius, he just also happened to be someone who seemed to think you should make something and then convince people they needed it instead of the other way around.

I think his time at Magic showed what his best role is, brilliant programming not management. So that part of him was probably accurately portrayed but I have a very hard time imagining him telling Jobs I "think" I'm pretty good, or if he did say it he said it sarcastically.

Alot of that stuff is so similar to what happened at FB with founders being cut out by hoodie boy and all the stuff that Jobs did, I guess it's textbook Silicon Valley.


Don't Stop Believin'
Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
Caught it on demand over the weekend. Didn't hate it. I actually enjoyed watching it like a history lesson (not the details, mind you, but the big picture timeline of the Apple early years).

Not the best of movies. Jumped through time too much, with characters appearing and disappearing through eras without much explanation. I couldn't tell if this was because they thought the details of his life were such common knowledge that they didn't have to connect the dots (i.e. his daughter suddenly living with him as a teenager) or it was just shoddy direction/writing.

I think Kutcher did a good job, though, of trying to show Steve Jobs, warts and all. He was not likable at all, yet he was strangely magnetic.

Wife loved it but she did say, "My God, did anyone in the IT revolution get rich without screwing over their partners or actual creators of the product?"

I recently watched it. Pretty much agree with above. Decent film with a slight made-for-tv feel to it. Nice trip down memory lane.

I watched it too and there were too things at the end that irked me.

First, how he stumbled across Jonathan Ive and made it seems like Jobs pushed him to created the iMac desing and gave Ive very little credit for the iMac, iPod and iPhone designs. In fact, right after that they show Jobs with a Discman and it lead others the believe it was Jobs who came up with it based on that.

The other thing that they left out was that Microsoft saved Apple when Jobs came back by investing a ton of money ($150 million) into the compnay and kept it from going under.

I thought they mentioned that when jobs made the phone call. Or are you referring to a different investment.

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