You guys have lost it!!!
First, a WR who has missed most of 2 of the past 3 years and you'd sign him without checking him medically? No freaking way.
He never said he'd cancel, in fact Robinson said he'd HONOR his commitments and meet with the scheduled teams.
Lastly... anybody here wanna negotiate while scouting 300+ players? Nuh-uh...... I doubt ANY team will sign Robingson before the draft, not for lack of wanting, but we are 36 hours from D-Day here. Robinson knows it, the Cards know it but we all seem to forget.
I'm just saying we are flying off the handle without knowing anything really. If Graves spent the next four days getting Robinson here and has a crappy draft, would we be happier? Graves is half of the braintrust that will be selecting our team this weekend, and I'd like to see what happens before I declare this doomsday.
So far Gaves hasn't let me down this offseason. all of the "misses" in free agency seem valid... players didn't want to play here. He's trying to fix that. He's offered more money to those guys than other teams. That's him doing his job. boston is a "time will tell" situation at this point, regardless of our opinion of it.
When Robinson signs elsewhere, hen I'll be mad.