elindholm said:
I don't want Ricky Davis. The team will have a lot of new players, so chemistry will already be a potential problem.
I like thegrahamcrackr's idea.
Particularly because everybody is new, Davis wouldn't pose too much of a chemistry problem initially. Anyway, his contract is gonna be a lot easy to move than Eisley's. Besides, with Graham's, we get more salary back while with slin's we get less back which may make difference regarding other FA moves this off season.
Moreover, with a Q/JJ/Davis/Nash/Barbosa rotation in the Sf/SG/PG, we have the potential to match the defensive intensity, or even more, the Pistons displayed in the Finals. Everyone in this group is already, or has the potential to become, a better one-one-one scorer Marion is. Just imagine the athletism in this group! If the coach can inject discipline in the team like Brown did with Pistons, we are gonna be a force in this league. I love this deal even better now!
Or a dynamic big starting five: Dice/Amare/Davis/Q/JJ