Just got back from SF


Sep 13, 2007
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Yeah, I moved to San Francisco from Seattle a couple years ago and go to the home division game. I have to say the experience is much worse to visit Monster Park than you'd hope. It's amazing how stupid people act over the shirt you wear at the game.

I imagine it was even worse with the night game since all the fans had more time to drink up and get out of control.

If it's any consolation I expect it to be really bad when I go in the end of september!

ps. Goodluck in sunday's game, looking forward to a great divisional matchup.

pss. Having been a Seahawks fan from the mediocrity of the majority of our existence I can empathize with your pain Cardinals fans. At least we both dislike the 49ers and Rams!

The Dude

Sep 4, 2007
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Yeah, I moved to San Francisco from Seattle a couple years ago and go to the home division game. I have to say the experience is much worse to visit Monster Park than you'd hope. It's amazing how stupid people act over the shirt you wear at the game.

I imagine it was even worse with the night game since all the fans had more time to drink up and get out of control.

If it's any consolation I expect it to be really bad when I go in the end of september!

ps. Goodluck in sunday's game, looking forward to a great divisional matchup.

pss. Having been a Seahawks fan from the mediocrity of the majority of our existence I can empathize with your pain Cardinals fans. At least we both dislike the 49ers and Rams!

funny to hear that from a seahawks fans, i live in seattle and i have been to numerous games at quest field (nice stadium), the fans there are terrible. I have gotten into 3 altercations on different occasions with seahawk fans this season. Not only are they some of the rudest fans i have met but most of them are borderline ******** when it comes to football.

young tone

Sep 3, 2007
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The Bay
I could not agree with you more about the Monday Night loss! My wife and I were the only Cards fans in 2 different sections we had tickets...and they let us know it as well. In the beer line I was talking football with one guy, then I mentioned how I am glad not to still be watching NFL at SDS and he about flipped when he looked closer and saw the RED BIRD! At least our colors were close enough so all the drunken 9er fans couldn't really tell.

Here are some pictures we took while tailgaiting - we ended up with a pretty good turn out.


Ay I seen you guys and I talked to one of the ladies who had her face painted and she was real cool and all, as I start walking away, one of your people was talking sh*t about my Montana jersey, I said what you say and you guys just looked at me and dude didnt say anything. The thing is I was tailgating and we were going to walk to club 49 and I seen you guys tailgating and I showed my respect and class like a real "not a sloppy drunk" fan does and the lady was real cool about it. I welcomed her and said may the best team win and welcome to Walsh Field at the Stick. I didnt like getting disrespected like that, especially at my stadium. Most you guys were cool but that guy pissed me off and the thing is I didnt do anything to deserve that. Talking when I was walking away. Well I did see you guys tailgating so....

Oh and I seen those fans waving that flag. I was really wondering why since I thought it couldve been a Cards flag at least...
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young tone

Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
The Bay
i heard SF is a nightmare - doesn't take much to get all that 80s arrogance pumping again - they may paint themselves a little different, but that whole area is nothing but raiders fans at heart

idiotic that people feel the need to disrespect another person because of the shirt they're wearing

I showed alot of class to those Card fans at the Stick. Not all of us like that just like not all of Card fans were like that jerk I ran into. My uncle is a die hard Raider fan and he thinks its rediculous the way the "youngsters" act. Our games are MUCH more friendlier than Raider games (even though older fans are selling their season tickets and the "youngsters" are going to more games so its getting worse over the last 4 to 5 years)


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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funny to hear that from a seahawks fans, i live in seattle and i have been to numerous games at quest field (nice stadium), the fans there are terrible. I have gotten into 3 altercations on different occasions with seahawk fans this season. Not only are they some of the rudest fans i have met but most of them are borderline ******** when it comes to football.

news flash - fans of every team are obnoxious, especially in their own stadiums, especially to fans of opposing teams.


Thank You Paul!
Jul 20, 2003
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that should be some fans - i didn't see anything with the bucs fans last weekend, i'm sure this probably would of been different if it were the rams or raiders

the majority of the places i've been the fans have been pretty cool - honestly the worst road game I went to was SD, seemed like the whole place was a bunch of drunks - even guys wearing jerseys of teams not playing were running their mouths - idiotic

cleveland was probably the most fun that walked the edge of getting a little nuts - at one point I was surrounded by people barking.................. my section was really cool though

it's hit or miss - people can talk crap and be obnoxious, unfortunately it's expected - too many people don't know where the line is and some places it seems the norm to cross it at any chance (philly, oakland)


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May 13, 2002
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Chandler, Az
I couldn't believe it took me two hours to get out of our parking lot.

I thought it was bad getting out of Glendale. Man we sat there after the game and watched people sit in in line trying to get out of the parking lot. Nobody moved for 2 hours! We are talking not an inch. That totally sucked!


Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Chandler, Az
Were you in section 57 with (I believe) a Fitzgerald jersey on? If so, I was sitting behind and to the left of you in row 13. Also, I saw the two Cards fans with the Arizona flag. They got kicked out after the Cards scored the 4th quarter touchdown because of a skirmish they didn't start, unless waving the flag around is considered starting it. Maybe fans behind them were getting mad because it was blocking their view of the field? Regardless, they didn't deserve the ass kicking they got, and I expected better from Niner fans. That was disgraceful.

Yep that was me. Freezing my Ass off!


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May 13, 2002
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Chandler, Az
news flash - fans of every team are obnoxious, especially in their own stadiums, especially to fans of opposing teams.

Yeah I pretty much agree with that. No one wants there home stadium over run with the opposing team.

When I first got to my seat the guys that I sat next to immediately started to get on my case about my Cardinals jersey. The usher came running up and told the guy in front of me to stop it. I instantly told the usher that everything was OK and they were just playing around. I think that kind of gained there respect and they essentially told the usher the same thing. Then for the rest of the game they just continued to talk trash after that but in more of a playful manner. Hell even the guys I went to the game with were starting "Cardinals Suck" chants with me being the focal point.

I think the problem comes when you get these Macho loosers who take everything too seriously. I have no problem with people talking trash. But to take it to the next level is just childish. It's just a freaking game for crying out loud.


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May 13, 2002
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Chandler, Az
Honestly the stadium does take getting used to. I grew up going to Giants games there(and several Cards/49ers games) so I'm used to the idea that you freeze there at night. The bathrooms suck, the food lines are situated poorly so it blocks main traffic etc.

Getting out of the stadium sucks, and if you take a wrong turn hello downtown Hunters Point (major high crime area).

The parking sucks, spaces are too narrow, too many problems with tailgaters taking up multiple spaces so others can't park. The dirt spaces are usually mud this time of year, there are companies nearby that will sell access to their parking lots but be careful, I know people who've been towed because the person selling the access didn't have the right to do so.

I loved the stick for baseball, but for football it's not very good the setup is just all wrong.

I grew up in the Bay Area and remembered going to the Stick for both Baseball and Football games. However this was my first late night game. So I was expecting the Cold but man this was really cold!

I think there has been a changing of the guard with 49ers fans. When I went to games as a kid I think it was more middle class type of people who owned season tickets. Now that the 49ers have sucked for several years many of those old season ticket owners have given up their tickets and you are seeing a new generation of fans at the Former Stick. There seemed to be a lot more gangster want-to-be there than i remembered from a couple of decades ago.

My guess is that all the old white 49ers season ticket holders have moved to AZ and now go to the Cardinals games. These are the old guys that yell at you for standing up during the game.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2004
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No one should get too proud about a game they are not playing in.


Thank You Paul!
Jul 20, 2003
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yep - if a couple multimillionaires score a TD against some other multimillionaires did i accomplish anything of personal note?!

it's all entertainment people

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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I grew up in the Bay Area and remembered going to the Stick for both Baseball and Football games. However this was my first late night game. So I was expecting the Cold but man this was really cold!

I think there has been a changing of the guard with 49ers fans. When I went to games as a kid I think it was more middle class type of people who owned season tickets. Now that the 49ers have sucked for several years many of those old season ticket owners have given up their tickets and you are seeing a new generation of fans at the Former Stick. There seemed to be a lot more gangster want-to-be there than i remembered from a couple of decades ago.

My guess is that all the old white 49ers season ticket holders have moved to AZ and now go to the Cardinals games. These are the old guys that yell at you for standing up during the game.

Totally agree the "wine and cheese" crowd gave up their tix when the 49ers weren't very good so now they have a younger and more hostile crowd.

I gave up my tix to the game last year because I got sick, so my ex girlfriend took her son and his buddy instead of me taking them. His buddy was 14 and had a Rams jersey on at a Cards/49ers game and was getting hassled. Her son was 15 and wearing a TO Eagles jersey and getting hassled.