ASFN Addict
I wish I wouldn't have agreed to not rate your posts. I wanted to come in and trounce on that post, but I was way too late.
Obviously Ryan's onto something. I seriously don't intend to come accross holier than thou and arrogant or a-holish. And it hasnt been since I became a "so-called chef," that was over 3 years ago. Its beeen in the past 6 months. Ive read a lot of interesting information and a fantastic book (The Omnivores Dilemma) that talks at length about our nations food supply, various food chains and the price we are paying both from an environmental standpoint as well as a physical standpoint (not to mention the ethical standpoint in terms of treatment of animals which is at the bottom of my concern list when speaking on this subject) for our agriculture business practices in this country, from the government subsidizing of commodity corn to the nightmares that are stockyards, pig pens and chicken coops that operate on a purely business level, no longer an agricultural one...
Anyways, I guess I overestimated to importance of this to people, and I apologize for coming across as too zealous. Im surprised so many people wanted to get all over me about that post. BUT, if you do want to discuss this issue and it is interesting to you, I can certainly try to do so from less of a judgmental standpoint. Just say the word and Ill fire up a thread that talks about the way we eat, and the big business behind feeding this country. Its honestly quite alarming...
I promise to lay off the lambasting of those who indulge in a little of the ole fast food. I do it too. I heart Chipotle and I heart in-n-out burger as well. Ill even eat me some taco bell when Im hammered, just not in New York...
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