There's supposed to be a new Kindle device announced tomorrow.
I'm hoping it's a Paperwhite DX, but I'm almost 100% it won't be.
I'm hoping it's a Paperwhite DX, but I'm almost 100% it won't be.
I think the Paperwhite is an improvement over all earlier models but I think you'd have been just as thrilled if you'd bought into it on an earlier version. I still read on a Kindle Touch most of the time and when it's on the charger I read with my Kindle 2. I have no problem reading with either of those. Where the Paperwhite really helps out is if you are reading in poor light.
I'm glad I bought into Kindle when I did and I have no problem with the fact that I will be buying my 3rd one sometime in the next year in addition to the 2 my wife has. I used to read sparingly because of eye strain and an ever-changing prescription that left my reading glasses behind. But now, Kindle has turned me into an 8 hour a day reader. I love being retired. Even with as much as I now read, it's not all that expensive. For the most part, I read nothing but trashy self-published fiction and I rarely spend more than 3 dollars for a new book and many of them are a buck or less.
Agreed. I love my Kindle Touch so much, I bought my wife one for her birthday so she'd stop using my kindle all the time. The kids use ours, or read on our phone apps (giving them all non-phone enabled wireless devices for xmas with the kindle app on them).
I'd love the paperwhite, but the touch is phenomenal for reading and no eye strain at all.
I could go on and on for days about how great Kindles are. Truly one of the great products of our time.
I knew it was time to buy the wife a kindle when she tried tapping the page on a paper book. We cracked up. Completely changes how you think about reading.
Tivo (DVR's), Ipod (MP3 players), Kindle (E-Book Readers) - life just wouldn't be the same without them. They might not be the most important inventions but for my life, they are the most important developments since the advent of color TV.
I'd agree but toss in smart phones. On the go access to the Internet, email, phone, games, music, video, camera and video cam all in your pocket...completely insane.
All of these devices changed the way we consume entertainment from a more passive to a more active form, making it all so very simple.
Please! The most important tech breakthrough of our time is Internet Porn.
Where was this when I was a kid growing up!