If the NFL and the players Association are serious about player safety and extending player life expectancies they would quit the smokescreen of concussion syndrome and get to the real problem. And in my opinion that is 6' 4" 275 pound men running for 4.5 40 times and bench pressing 450 pounds. If this sport wants to protect its players they need to go to a Olympic style blood testing for all performance-enhancing drugs. Get these players down to normal size and speed combined with today's technology in gear I have little doubt they would solve most of their problems related to long-term mental health issues. There's always going to be ACL injuries and things of that nature. But a lot of these guys IMO are dying, in part due to head trauma but that's going to happen when two semi trucks hit each other going 80 miles an hour.
This is absolutely true besides all the damage steroids etc can do, there's a simple medical fact that NFL players are too big, they're bigger than they're supposed to be and their frames can't support the weight. It's why steroid abusers are so often injury prone in sports, because the tendons and ligaments and bones aren't build to handle the weight and force their body produces on steroids.
It was why this offseason when someone else here told me i was dead wrong in stating the NFL was serious about HGH testing I argued repeatedly he would be proven wrong. And of course one of the key issues to solving the lockout was the HGH testing situation which is still being resolved but I think by now it's really clear the NFL DOES want HGH testing. Same reason, they have realized guys are just too big and banning steroids hasn't solve it because they're using other means now to get bigger.
the impact on the game is huge with all the injuries and the impact on the players when their career is done is even bigger.
Look at former USC and 49er linemen Jeff Bregel for example a notorious steroid user who had all sorts of injuries in his abbreviated NFL career. He apparently started "self medicating" with alcohol and back in 03 he got arrested for DUI and when the LA Times did the story they discovered it was his FIFTH DUI arrest. They then discovered the stuff he got into when in the Bay area with the 49ers including other alcohol and roid rage incidents(bar fights etc).
I read something a couple of years ago that said Bregel was in constant pain now from all the years of abusing his body and had been in and out of rehab and hospitals.
the problem is this stuff all starts well before they get to the NFL, many kids in HS are using steroids and HGH now it's insane.