Ladies and Gents, presenting Thee SARCASTIC Darnell Dockett


ASFN Addict
May 28, 2002
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I wish he'd do it more.

It's not like he's being a real hole about nothing. C'mon in many ways, because we *appeared* to be good, the media was 10x harder on us than a normal losing season. Throw in being the *sexy* pick (for a few) to move up the last couple of years and denying them, they would nail us almost every opportunity.

Last night, they were about to talk about some more of the futility, can't remember exactly what now, but it was right there hanging, and one of the announcers was hinting, 'no more craptalk', and the guy who was almost leading into another 'futility mark' slyly switched to something else. Like the cardinals...have been scored on in 2 quarters or something like that.

Maybe only cards fans noticed it, maybe not, but I see that moment as a turning point.

It was almost like the bully going, ok you bloodied my nose, I'll leave you alone.

I loved it.

Darnell Dockett has always been outspoken, but he is 100 percent right in my opinion in being sarcastic to the SAME point, as the prognosticators were being serious.

That's what is so funny. Darnell is joking, the pundits were serious.

We have the talent, we all knew it, we all saw glimpses of it, and so did the media. But they hated on us big time this year, and some still will.

But now they've seen us in a way they can't pretend to have not seen. We have talent, we have a team.

We may or may not win the superbowl, but we are not doormats any longer.

Darnell can say whatever he wants, because he looks less foolish than the pundits, and again, he's joking. :)


Just A Face in The Crowd
Jun 13, 2002
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Goodyear, AZ
I'm sorry for those that don't dig Darnell, but that dude simply makes me happy. He's kind of like the guy on another team you hate because he's a smartass and kills you, but on your team you celebrate him.

I heart dockett.

LoL, me too. Gail did get him to break into a little smile when she said "but you're going to the NFCCG"

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