When the Cardinals turn it around and become contenders for the next 7 to 10 seasons, lets all make a promise not to act like New England/Boston fans...
A good majority of these fans act as if they are somehow better people because their teams are doing well. Its as if the whole definition of their lives depend on weather or not Patriots/Redsox are doing well.
Somehow winning has given many of their fans an inflated sense of ego and invicibility. It is one thing to be a dedicated loyal fan and its another to live vicariously through the team. I just want to shake them and say, "You're not on the field, you did not play, the team accomplished it not you!"
Don't get me wrong I love the Cardinals and hate losing, but at the end of the game (or very shortly after) I am able to move on and be happy with the rest my life. Football gives me joy and sorrow for 3-4 hrs, but after that life continues.
When I was at the Cardinals home opener this year, I was just amazed at how rude and obnoxious the Pats fans were. It seemed that 8 out of 10 Pats fans had been drinking since 5 in the morning and would berate any that would walk by that donned Cardinal apparel including children.
During the game I must have seen at least 6 or 7 Pats fans escorted out for mis-conduct. The topper of the day was after the game when it started raining. My father, little brother, and I were walking out of the stadium and into the paking lot, to our left was a soldier in all white with a sign reading, "Pat Tillman a True Patriot," and to my left a typical twenty-something, 5-6 beer bellied, red-face, dude who was clearly wasted.
He stood there teetering from side to side measuring the soldier when he exlaimed, " Yeah, Pat Tillman a ture patriot?...then why did he play for a bunch of (female body parts) he would'nt have been such a (female body parts) if he didn't play for the Cardinals."
The solider just looked at him with dismay and I wanted to go over and puch his lights out. This is a sad example of what I percieve to be--unfortunately--a typical Pats fan. One who puts too much into their team and defines too much of their self worth on the success of a team. Is there no other reason to live?
Please lets handle ourselves with class and not berate other people or get full of ourselves when the Cards are a great team. Lets remember where we've been with this franchise and respect ourselves and others around us. We are all better than that.