Loren Wade Charged with Killing Brandon Falkner


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May 13, 2002
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
They felt threatened enough to tell their respective coaches and athletic department officials. I agree that that nobody could have truly known what Loren was capable of, but you have to admit this looks bad in retrospect considering the university apparently knew about three separate damaging incidents (one of which allegedly included a gun) and yet Wade somehow remained on the team.

where was the proof? hindsight is always 20/20. You cut the player from the team because of a he ssaid/she said issue totally based on hear say..

both women involved said at the time of each incident that things were smoothed over. from azcentral:

Wade later apologized to Dixon, Spini and Smith, each said.

"All he (Wade) said was 'Stay out of my business,' " Smith said Monday night. "There was no mention of a gun at all. The reality is those aren't signs to say this guy is going to shoot somebody. That's a real stretch."

Spini said: "I felt comfortable because my athlete felt comfortable (after the apologies). Trisha never had another incident.

"She (Dixon) was scared enough to come to me but not scared enough to go to the police. I had to respect her wishes, but I was concerned."

what else do you do? a boyfirend-girlfriend spat & you kick a guy off the team? hindsight is 20/20

the ath dep't sent Wade for counselling & was ok'd late last year.


ASFN Addict
May 28, 2002
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RedStripe27 said:
I used to do Valet at CBNC every now and then. Every car we valeted seemed to have a gun in it (not exagerating). This doesn't surprise me in the least, its just a shame 2 lives can be ruined in one instance.

I have to laugh at that.

A bunch of wannabe's trying to pimp out like they are one.

Geez...we're talking about S.Scottsdale...my home since birth....hardly the place to show you're tough. (And that's the truth)

Gee you are in a pretty nice area...although close to tweaker central..but still...this area is not hard azz central nor even medium level on a 5 point scale.

If it ever seems to be, it's people from other areas pretending.

Can't people stop pretending...and just be...oh yeah that takes common sense...and there are people w/o it everywhere.

Y'all better step off my neighborhood. Cause it ain't no hood. Freaks. :hulk:

Else I might pull out my bb gun and give you some welts ...jk :)


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
maddogkf said:
where was the proof? hindsight is always 20/20. You cut the player from the team because of a he ssaid/she said issue totally based on hear say..

both women involved said at the time of each incident that things were smoothed over. from azcentral:

what else do you do? a boyfirend-girlfriend spat & you kick a guy off the team? hindsight is 20/20

the ath dep't sent Wade for counselling & was ok'd late last year.
Geez, the guy was a part of two separate threatening outbursts (one of which allegedly involved a gun) all while being suspended due to NCAA violations by borrowing money from an athletic dept. official that he was banging. Sounds like a bit more than girlfriend-boyfriend spat considering everyone form the athletic director on down seemed to know about it. Or do you really think the athletic department finds out every time a student athlete gets in an argument with a significant other?

I know hindsight is always 20/20, but when you allow a player on your team after all these incidents occur and he does do something stupid, you can't expect onlookers to just move on. UA (like many other programs) have brought their own share of players with questionable pasts over the last year and if they should happen to land in trouble then all the flak the coaches and athletic department get is well deserved. It sucks that they have to get crap seeing in that there's so much pressure to win and they're essentially forced to take in some of these guys, but that's just the way it is.
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You think KFCs still open
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May 13, 2002
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
Geez, the guy was a part of two separate threatening outbursts (one of which allegedly involved a gun) all while being suspended due to NCAA violations by borrowing money from an athletic dept. official that he was banging. Sounds like a bit more than girlfriend-boyfriend spat considering everyone form the athletic director on down seemed to know about it. Or do you really think the athletic department finds out every time a student athlete gets in an argument with a significant other?

I know hindsight is always 20/20, but when you allow a player on your team after all these incidents occur and he does do something stupid, you can't expect onlookers to just move on. UA (like many other programs) have brought their own share of players with questionable pasts over the last year and if they should happen to land in trouble then all the flak the coaches and athletic department get is well deserved. It sucks that they have to get crap seeing in that there's so much pressure to win and they're essentially forced to take in some of these guys, but that's just the way it is.

fwiw, Wade was not suspended by the NCAA. He served a 9 game suspension from ASU for allowing someone else to put money down for a deposit for some utilities & was allowed to practice w/the team. No decision was made on whter or not he'd be allowed to play.

Prior to these incidents, he had no troubled history. I think he should burn in hell for all eternity, but for someone to say that the AD should be blamed for this is simply ludacrous.

And Koetter asked the HVB if she was in danger and whether or not Wade had a gun. She responded no to both of these questions. Koetter can't make the girls go to the police station and file a report. The girls would have had to cooperate, and with what was said on Channel 15, earlier this month Haley wouldn't cooperate in filling out a police report when she called the cops on Loren. ASU doesn't have any authority after that. The gymnastics coach told the other girl that if she felt threatened to go to the police. If they don't file a report, all it is is he said she said.
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You think KFCs still open
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May 13, 2002
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Sun Devil Stadium, Sect 27, Row 34, Seat 8
fwiw - also from today's EVT - interesting that the police didn't think that there was anything to warrant an arrest....& that they didn't contact ASU....



Wade had a recent history of brandishing a gun, according to a Scottsdale Police Department field report released Tuesday. On March 9, a friend of van Blommestein complained to police that Wade was stalking the soccer player.

"The friend was fearful for Haley," said Scottsdale police Sgt. Mark Clark.

Van Blommestein’s friend requested an officer watch over her house in central Scottsdale because the couple was headed to her home, where she lives with her roommate, and she was "scared that Wade was coming over," the report states.

The woman, whose name was not released, told police Wade carried a gun and had pulled it on van Blommestein earlier this month, the log said.

One of the women at the home told ABC15 that Wade had physically assaulted van Blommestein. After Wade could not reach van Blommestein by phone, he called one of the women, saying "I’m going to (expletive) kill you. I’m crazy," the woman told the news station.

Scottsdale police said they did not report the incident to ASU officials. An officer determined that no crime had taken place that night, Clark said.

Van Blommestein also called Chandler police twice earlier this month in fear of Wade, according to police records released Tuesday.

Van Blommestein called police at 6 p.m. March 3 reporting that Wade was at her Chandler apartment with a key, threatening to destroy her things. She called from a cell phone, saying she was headed to her apartment.

When police arrived, neither Wade nor van Blommestein were there, and a report wasn’t filed.

Six days later, van Blommestein called police again saying that Wade had threatened her life and he was on his way to her apartment to destroy things again, the records show. She did not report any weapons.

A half an hour later, she told the officers who arrived that she no longer wanted to file a report.


In between those two reports, on March 6, Wade argued with van Blommestein, causing other soccer players to become concerned for her safety, according to soccer coach Ray Leone.

Leone said Tuesday he told Koetter that Wade and van Blommestein were arguing and that soccer players told him Wade had a gun. Koetter left a telephone message for Wade, who returned his call two hours later. Wade told him he was breaking up with van Blommestein as they spoke.

Koetter said he then spoke directly to van Blommestein and asked her if Wade had a gun and whether she felt threatened. She said "no" Koetter said he then advised Wade to not make any poor decisions and met with him the next morning.

"Dirk did everything he possibly could," Leone said. "He talked to her. He talked to Loren. He got right back to me about it."

The football coach had already been through a similar experience involving Wade last year. In November, Wade threatened ASU gymnast Trisha Dixon, with whom he had a relationship, according to gymnastics coach John Spini, also present at Tuesday’s news conference.

Van Blommestein, Dixon and the third woman could not be reached for comment.

Spini said Dixon called him to report that a man told her to be careful walking alone.

"She was scared, but she would not tell me the name of the individual," said the gymnastics coach.

Spini eventually convinced her to disclose the name of the man. Dixon told her Wade made the threat, but she did not want police involved.

Spini next called Smith and the athletic director told him to call Koetter. Spini said, "She said she was afraid for her life, that he told her ‘Don’t be walking alone.’ "

Koetter said he spoke to Wade and Wade’s mother. The football player then called the gymnastics coach and apologized, saying he was angry about the relationship.

Wade then called Dixon, Spini said. "He apologized and there have been no other incidents and he has never been around her since," he said.


In early March, Koetter directed Wade to seek counseling after the player told him he was afraid of succumbing to a sports injury. The coach said Wade attended the sessions for some time, but stopped when he felt they were no longer beneficial. The counselors did not see any signs of potential violence, Koetter said.

Koetter said he believed the incidents reported to him by Spini and Leone involved personal relationships with the women, and that neither dispute appeared threatening.

"It becomes a lot of he said/ she said issues," Koetter said. "These are not necessarily life-long relationships that last forever. And they are at a time in their lives where they’re all at different phases maturitywise. So sometimes things are said and done that are not criminal in nature, but are hurtful in what comes out of their mouths."

ASU officials, including Crow, Koetter and outgoing athletic director Gene Smith, said they handled the threats internally, rather than contacting police.

"If I thought in any way, any kind of outcome like this would have happened, I would have acted differently," Koetter said.

Koetter and Smith also acknowledged that they failed to discuss the threats publicly until questioned about them by reporters Monday night. Earlier Monday, Smith said there was nothing in Wade’s past to suggest he was capable of violence.

Koetter said Wade was involved in additional, yet undisclosed, conduct-related issues. Koetter said the issues were not relationship-based, but he declined to elaborate further.

"There is no purpose at this point. You can’t bring back Brandon Falkner," Koetter said. ASU is not releasing funeral information to respect the privacy of the Falkner family.

Koetter also said he recently learned another football player knew Wade had a gun, but didn’t report it to him. He and Smith said they didn’t discuss the previous threats on Monday because they were still dealing with the shock of the killing.

The shooting has not affected Ohio State’s decision to hire Smith as athletic director, said Ohio State spokeswoman Elizabeth Conlisk.

"Arizona State University and Gene Smith are handling this event with sensitivity and compassion," she said in an emailed statement.


ASFN Lifer
Jul 2, 2003
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maddogkf said:
If the women were "so threatened" why didn't they call the authorities themselves?

Channel 10 led the 10:00 pm news last night with an interview of a detective from Scottsdale PD detailing multiple calls received on Wade and the woman soccer player.


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May 13, 2002
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Sun Devil Stadium, Sect 27, Row 34, Seat 8
NickelBack said:
Channel 10 led the 10:00 pm news last night with an interview of a detective from Scottsdale PD detailing multiple calls received on Wade and the woman soccer player.

...and nothing happenend. The police did not find anything that warranted even a report to be filed.....


ASFN Lifer
Jul 2, 2003
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maddogkf said:
...and nothing happenend. The police did not find anything that warranted even a report to be filed.....

Not entirely true.

The dectective said that the woman was too frightened to come forward to make the offical report at the time of the incidents (there were more than one). He indicated that the Scottsdale PD considered the case to still be open at the time of the homocide.


You think KFCs still open
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May 13, 2002
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Sun Devil Stadium, Sect 27, Row 34, Seat 8
NickelBack said:
Not entirely true.

The dectective said that the woman was too frightened to come forward to make the offical report at the time of the incidents (there were more than one). He indicated that the Scottsdale PD considered the case to still be open at the time of the homocide.

where did yo uhear this? from all the media sources I could gather (AVT, AZ REP, 15 news) they didn't file a police report because the women considered it resolved...

anyways, what ever the point is, the PD did not inform ASU about this either.

It is a tragedy that a fine young man lost his life. Would he still be alive if Wade wasn't allowed to practice or was kicked off the team? I don't see where ASU has any blame in Brandon's death. IT is all on the hands of that waste LLW.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
I'm not suggesting that the athletic department is somehow responsible for the murder. No matter what avenue they went down with this situation it appears that Wade was disturbed enough to whack Faulkner that night no matter what. If no more facts come out regarding this case, there should be no blood on the hands of Koetter or Gene Smith and to suggest that there should be is pretty ridiculous.

However, I do feel that the ASU athletic department deserves to catch hell due to the news saying "starting ASU RB charged with murder" instead of "former/suspended ASU RB charged with murder." From all indications, during Wade's suspension he found himself in more and more trouble. He was involved in numerous incidents just that we know of including one supposedly with a gun, he was a part of other conduct-related issues that Koetter chose not discuss, and even quit the counseling sessions set up by Koetter . So after all this stuff happened during his suspension, why he was reinstated by the team?
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Jul 16, 2004
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
I'm not suggesting that the athletic department is somehow responsible for the murder. No matter what avenue they went down with this situation it appears that Wade was disturbed enough to whack Faulkner that night no matter what. If no more facts come out regarding this case, there should be no blood on the hands of Koetter or Gene Smith and to suggest that should be is pretty ridiculous.

However, I do feel that the ASU athletic department deserves to catch hell due to the news saying "starting ASU RB charged with murder" instead of "former/suspended ASU RB charged with murder." From all indications, during Wade's suspension he has found in himself in more and more trouble. He has been involved in numerous incidents just that we know of including one supposedly with a gun,he was a part of othe conduct-related issues that Koetter chose not discuss, and even quit the counseling sessions set up by Koetter . So after all this stuff happened during his suspension, why he was reinstated by the team?

Well posted.


You think KFCs still open
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May 13, 2002
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Sun Devil Stadium, Sect 27, Row 34, Seat 8
MaoTosiFanClub said:
I'm not suggesting that the athletic department is somehow responsible for the murder. No matter what avenue they went down with this situation it appears that Wade was disturbed enough to whack Faulkner that night no matter what. If no more facts come out regarding this case, there should be no blood on the hands of Koetter or Gene Smith and to suggest that should be is pretty ridiculous.

However, I do feel that the ASU athletic department deserves to catch hell due to the news saying "starting ASU RB charged with murder" instead of "former/suspended ASU RB charged with murder." From all indications, during Wade's suspension he has found in himself in more and more trouble. He has been involved in numerous incidents just that we know of including one supposedly with a gun,he was a part of othe conduct-related issues that Koetter chose not discuss, and even quit the counseling sessions set up by Koetter . So after all this stuff happened during his suspension, why he was reinstated by the team?

True & good points. FWIW - Wade was never fully reinstated by the team. He was still under investigation & would not be able to play until he was cleared by both ASU & the NCAA.


ASFN Lifer
Jul 2, 2003
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maddogkf said:
where did yo uhear this?

Channel 10 interviewed the Scottsdale PD Dectective assigned to investigate the claims against Wade (before the homocide) on the 10:00 pm news last night.


Jul 4, 2002
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maddogkf said:
True & good points. FWIW - Wade was never fully reinstated by the team. He was still under investigation & would not be able to play until he was cleared by both ASU & the NCAA.

If he was not fully reinstated why was he allowed to participate in spring ball?


My Hero
May 13, 2002
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Is there a picture of this girl anywhere?

Just curious.


ASFN Lifer
Jul 2, 2003
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Programming Alert!

XTRA 910. Mark Lewis and Gambo.

Gambo's Intro - (paraphrasing) "We will be going indepth on the ASU story today. Clearly ASU knew more about Wade than they are telling publically at this time."

Also - they are trying to get an interview with the Peoria HS football coach.
Kel Varnsen

Kel Varnsen

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Jun 28, 2003
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KingofCards said:
Is there a picture of this girl anywhere?

Just curious.

Probably...those pics always end up on the internet somewhere.


ASFN Lifer
Jul 2, 2003
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maddogkf said:
jumping ot conclusions that aren't warranted

After the open, I actually missed them today - did you hear them?


An Army of One
May 10, 2003
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lat: 35.231 lon: -111.550
WizardOfAz said:
Listened to a little bit of Gambo - he seems intent on playing judge and jury on this one.
Aren't there witnesses who saw Wade pull the trigger? Everything I'm hearing says it is pretty open and shut.


You think KFCs still open
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May 13, 2002
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Sun Devil Stadium, Sect 27, Row 34, Seat 8
no i didn't hear him today, but yesterday he was saying that DK should be held accountable for what happened with Wade, that ASU should have done more, so I could just imagine...

when wiz said he was the judge & jury, I thought he meant that about ASU & DK, not Wade. There is no doubt in my mind that Wade did it - he is a piece of crap & deserves whatever is coming to him.


ASFN Lifer
Jul 2, 2003
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Channel 12 claims that they will have new information tonight at 10:00 pm.