Lucas to make Episode 7,8,9?


May 13, 2002
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According to fan site Theforce.Net, employees at Lucas's company Industrial Light And Magic (ILM) have all been made to sign non-disclosure agreements to promise not to talk about the possibility of episode's seven, eight and nine being made.

Of course Lucas has always denied ever thinking about making sequals to Return of the Jedi, but why make everyone sign Non-disclosure agreements unless he is thinking about it???


Just win, baby
Feb 19, 2004
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The Future -- The Land of the Victorious
To quote a Star Wars fan:

"Please, please don't make Star Wars into Star Trek."

I agree. Leave the movies alone and just let the books tell all of the other stories. They're better than what Lucas is making now anyway.


Waywardier than before
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Jun 11, 2002
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Easton, PA
Personally, I would have rather seen 7,8,9 than 1,2,3.

Lucas has changed his mind on this so many times, even so far as to try to worm out of some of the things he's said in the past.

At this point, I would love to see 7,8,9 but under certain conditions. First, Lucas only produces (like he did for ESB and ROTJ). He doesn't write or direct. Those are the major flaws to the prequels. Second, he either doesn't follow the EU book history or places the sequels so far into the future as to leap several generations.


Supporting Member
Dec 29, 2003
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I agree with you wayward.....G.L. is not a good director and it really annoys me when he reuses lines like "I got a bad feeling about this"......


May 13, 2002
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Brandon_Webb said:
Worst. Writer. Ever.
The dude thought up the characters and the story line..... thats makes him one of the best EVER. He just can't write dialogue to save his life, he should have given his ideas to a real screen play writer and I bet you would have seen some better results.

Some of the interactions between characters is just dreadful, you nerf hearder


Waywardier than before
Supporting Member
Jun 11, 2002
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Easton, PA
Ryanwb said:
The dude thought up the characters and the story line..... thats makes him one of the best EVER. He just can't write dialogue to save his life, he should have given his ideas to a real screen play writer and I bet you would have seen some better results.

<sigh> All right, ALL RIGHT! I'll do it.


Arizona Sports Simp
Super Moderator
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Sep 14, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
If they want to do a Star Wars movie, they should do Knights of the Old Republic, which is better than any of the recent movies story wise.


May 13, 2002
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Chris_Sanders said:
If they want to do a Star Wars movie, they should do Knights of the Old Republic, which is better than any of the recent movies story wise.
I was thinking that same thing!

They are coming out with the sequal shortly, what a great story!

Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
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On a flying cocoon
Chris_Sanders said:
If they want to do a Star Wars movie, they should do Knights of the Old Republic, which is better than any of the recent movies story wise.

or Shadows of the Empire. Of course, that story is a tweener (takes place between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi) but ever since I read it I thought it was a good story and would make a good movie (depending on who directed it).

BTW Wayward I thought Lucas wrote all 6 of the movies :shrug:
Last edited:


Waywardier than before
Supporting Member
Jun 11, 2002
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Easton, PA
Kershner directed ESB. It was George's story, but the screenplay was written by Leigh Bracket and Lawrence Kasdan.

Richard Marquand directed ROTJ. George wrote the story, but Lawrence again wrote the screenplay (this time with George alongside).

Homer Simpson

All Star
Sep 23, 2002
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Ryanwb said:
The dude thought up the characters and the story line..... thats makes him one of the best EVER. He just can't write dialogue to save his life, he should have given his ideas to a real screen play writer and I bet you would have seen some better results.

Some of the interactions between characters is just dreadful, you nerf hearder

He didn't think up either the characters or the storyline.

Luke Skywalker = Frodo Baggins
Han Solo = Aragorn
Obi Wan Kenobi = Gandalf
Princess Leia = Sam (in a way / Frodo's good side)
Darth Vader = combination Gollum and Saruman
The Emperor = Sauron
The Force = The Ring
First Death Star = Mines of Moria
Second Death Star = Mount Doom
C3PO & R2D2 = Merry and Pippen

Lucas' screenplay and Tolkien's trilogy very closely follow Joseph Campbell's hero myth (The Hero of 1000 Faces), in fact, these two stories follow it almost as close as possible. Lucas has even stated that Campbell's work was very influential in his writing of the original Star Wars.

I will say that George did have quite of an imagination in adapting the story into space. I always liked how every planet was one terrain.

Han Solo did not deserve a medal!


May 13, 2002
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Homer Simpson said:
He didn't think up either the characters or the storyline.

Luke Skywalker = Frodo Baggins
Han Solo = Aragorn
Obi Wan Kenobi = Gandalf
Princess Leia = Sam (in a way / Frodo's good side)
Darth Vader = combination Gollum and Saruman
The Emperor = Sauron
The Force = The Ring
First Death Star = Mines of Moria
Second Death Star = Mount Doom
C3PO & R2D2 = Merry and Pippen

Lucas' screenplay and Tolkien's trilogy very closely follow Joseph Campbell's hero myth (The Hero of 1000 Faces), in fact, these two stories follow it almost as close as possible. Lucas has even stated that Campbell's work was very influential in his writing of the original Star Wars.

I will say that George did have quite of an imagination in adapting the story into space. I always liked how every planet was one terrain.

Han Solo did not deserve a medal!
That's pretty weak.......


May 13, 2002
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First off, I am not sure how you can make the correlation between the "Ring" and the force. Since the force flows through everything and those of special disposition can control it. In LOTR only Sauron can weild the power of the ring.

Also it has been made public that the topic of Jedi and other things in the film were based on the Akira Kurosawa film "Kakushi toride no san akunin" (The Hidden Fortress) Obi-Wan Kenobi was modeled after a Samurai warrior, and C-3PO and R2-D2 are derived from a couple of petty crooks he asked along to help rescue a princess.

So as I said before the links between LOTR and Star Wars is weak

Homer Simpson

All Star
Sep 23, 2002
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Ryanwb said:
First off, I am not sure how you can make the correlation between the "Ring" and the force. Since the force flows through everything and those of special disposition can control it. In LOTR only Sauron can weild the power of the ring.

Also it has been made public that the topic of Jedi and other things in the film were based on the Akira Kurosawa film "Kakushi toride no san akunin" (The Hidden Fortress) Obi-Wan Kenobi was modeled after a Samurai warrior, and C-3PO and R2-D2 are derived from a couple of petty crooks he asked along to help rescue a princess.

So as I said before the links between LOTR and Star Wars is weak

Joseph Campbell was a professor at Saint Lawerence colllege in New York and an avid disciple of Carl Jung. He wrote a series of books about the "hero myth", which were basically an explanation of how every culture's myths and legends follow a similar pattern. He used Jung's archetypes of the human psyche a lot.

LOTR and the original Star Wars trilogy follow almost the exact same storyline. And these stories fit Campbell's classic hero myth as well as any story -- which might explain why a Science Fiction and a Fantasy story have been so popular and so warmly received despite belonging to genres that aren't typically mainstream.

Both stories follow the central hero -- Luke and Frodo -- set against the backdrop of a major societal struggle. In both these cases, its a war that involves pretty much everybody, a war that is clearly good versus evil.

The story begins with the hero in a relatively safe environment, yet he is looking for more. Luke lives somewhat comfortably on Tatooine, but he desperately wants to get out, while Frodo lives very well in The Shire, but desires to see the outside world like his Uncle Bilbo did. Then around their "coming of age" outside events occur which causes each hero to leave his safe haven and travel into the outside world. And a very dangerous world it is.

Both will initially get help from a wise old man, Obi Wan and/or Gandalf. The old man is eccentric, with no affiliation to any particular group of people, and is generally looked upon with either awe or contempt by "mainstream" society. He is an outsider, but upon closer inspection, the hero will discover that the old man is full of wisdom and compassion.

The old man and the hero will then be caught in a place of great evil, the Death Star and/or Mines of Moria, and make a desperate attempt at escape. The old man dies in the process, but his death allows the hero to live. Arond this time, the hero also experiences a symbolic death and rebirth/baptism, Luke in the trash compactor, and Frodo when he gets stabbed in the side by an orc, then washes his wound at the lake outside of Moria.

The hero now reenters the world without his mentor, and left to deal with a powerful treasure. In Frodo's case it was the Ring, in Luke's it was the Force. While there are obviously some differences, this "treasure" always has very similar characteristics. One, while it seems it can be used for great good, the temptation to use it for evil is very great. Two, the treasure unites all the people of the world(s) (One ring to rule them all...) Three, the treasure connects the hero to ancient times and the root of the current societal struggle.

The hero, left to deal with the treasure and ultimately himself, will travel to many places and meet many people. And learn much about himself. There are also two prominent characters that are closely connected to him. One basically represents his good side, the other his evil side. For Luke, they are Leia and Vader, respectively. For Frodo, it is Sam and Gollum. The dark side is basically what he will become if he cannot resist the lure of the treasure.

In the end, his salvation will come not with the destruction of his dark side, but rather, through his decision to forgive his dark side. To empathize with it. And that scene of his salvation will be in a place very similar to the place where the old man saved him originally. Either a light saber battle in the Death Star, or above an ancient pit in a mountain's core. (Khazad-dum, Cracks o' Doom)

The hero will not be able to fully enjoy his victory, however, his good side will. And his good side will have outright rejected the power that destroyed his dark side, as Sam did with the Ring, and Leia (kind of) did with the Force.

The Count of Monte Cristo, one of the most popular novels of all time, also follows this exact pattern.

So, I didn't mean to say that Lucas wrote Star Wars by copying from the Lord of the Rings. I meant to say that both follow a similar pattern.


Official ASFN Lurker
Oct 2, 2002
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
If he was to make 7-9, I would hope he would get someone to adapt the Timothy Zahn trilogy into screenplays. Those 3 books were heads and shoulders above the rest of the Star Wars books that are out on the market right now.


Waywardier than before
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Jun 11, 2002
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Easton, PA
Suns_fan69 said:
If he was to make 7-9, I would hope he would get someone to adapt the Timothy Zahn trilogy into screenplays. Those 3 books were heads and shoulders above the rest of the Star Wars books that are out on the market right now.

I think there are a LOT of SW fans who would agree with you, and it’s not a far stretch to say they are some of the best. However, I’ve come to realize over time that even that wasn’t that good. Further, the books have done things to characters and led the GFFA to places I don’t think should be brought to film. That’s why I think any sequels should disregard the books or have them take place so far in the future that it’s all irrelevant.

Besides, to have a sequel take place only 5 years after ROTJ would force you to deal with recasting all the roles. Not everyone would be happy seeing existing characters done by different actors.

Ryanwb is right in the source material and inspiration had for the SW trilogy, and it is obvious that much of the GFFA is taken from various aspects of human history (bushido for the Jedi, the Nazi’s for the Empire, etc.). However, the archetypical ‘Hero of 1,000 faces’ is intriguing. I think on its face (sorry) it is simply a reintroduction into basic and classic storytelling. There are only something like 20-30 different plot lines anyway so it’s not surprising to find similarities between SW and LOTR. You can draw parallels to many different books and movies as well, even Harry Potter.

Homer, thanks for the excellent analysis and commentary!

I like to think of SW as one of two things (both I think equally valid and stated by George in the past) to large extents. It is a war serial, and it could also be considered a western as well, both in the classic sense but with a different backdrop.


Roamin' Gnome
Jun 15, 2004
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Chandler, AZ
i wonder if many of you don't like the newer star wars releases simply because they're not part of your history. you didn't grow up with them, and they didn't introduce a brand new formula for cinema, thus they're 'inferior product'?

I mean honestly, what's so bad about incredible effects and action? the story? you kidding me? the story is the same crap it was before. Sure, sure, the technology is better before Skywalker came around, and somehow horribly degraded, but how is it so bad?

If you weren't viewing episodes IV or V (cuz jedi just sucked anyway... ewoks? c'mon) as part of your history and have a nostalgic incident, would they still be as good?

probably not.


Waywardier than before
Supporting Member
Jun 11, 2002
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Easton, PA
I love these discussions, even if it proves what a dork I am.

Gnomad said:
i wonder if many of you don't like the newer star wars releases simply because they're not part of your history. you didn't grow up with them, and they didn't introduce a brand new formula for cinema, thus they're 'inferior product'?

No, in my opinion they are inferior because they are inferior.

Someone already pointed out the horrible dialogue. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

For me (and only me, though many share my opinion), the prequels did terrible damage to the SW universe. The penultimate example of this is the whole midichlorian mess. In one fell swoop, George managed to destroy the myth and the magic of the Force, reducing it to a scientific measurement of how many bugs were in your body. Excuse me?

True, we grew up fascinated by the Force and the Jedi so in that respect we probably feel personally injured by such things. But, we also gain perspective with maturity and wisdom. I can read the books and know they don’t fit in the galaxy that was created. They are made to sell books, books and more books. That is all. Unfortunately, there is a large population who will swallow whatever scraps Lucasarts throws at them (the ‘fanboys’) and not take a moment to wade out of the shallow end.

Finally, I KNOW the books suck because I’ve read far superior pieces of fiction (both in terms of quality of the narration and the excellence of the plots and characterizations) from people who aren’t paid a cent to write for Lucasarts.

I mean honestly, what's so bad about incredible effects and action? the story? you kidding me? the story is the same crap it was before. Sure, sure, the technology is better before Skywalker came around, and somehow horribly degraded, but how is it so bad?

Actually, that is plausible and accepted given the decay of the galaxy under the forming Empire, but that’s not really an area of contention. I don’t think anyone has a problem with the effects and action of either I or II. It is the story, and I disagree with you that it is the same ‘crap’ as before. I doubt anyone who consider the OT as crap, but you can find a whole lot of people who think the PT is crap. So, does that mean they are all wrong?

If you weren't viewing episodes IV or V (cuz jedi just sucked anyway... ewoks? c'mon) as part of your history and have a nostalgic incident, would they still be as good?

I think you bring up a good point, and obviously I can’t give a truly unbiased opinion as I did grow up with SW and fit in the mold which you propose. However, I can surmise based on what I know about the genre and myself and can say to the best of MY ability (for whatever that’s worth) that it is more than just being nostalgic. It’s not like we didn’t WANT the prequels to be awesome.


Roamin' Gnome
Jun 15, 2004
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Chandler, AZ
following comments may be dripping with sarcasm. as a disclaimer, i mean no personal injury towards anyone. This topic is def. fun for me, as i love to play devil's advocate. hey, i grew up w/this stuff too, i had the action figures w/the slide-out light-sabres. I had the thing where Luke flew out of the window in Empire.

WaywardFan said:
Someone already pointed out the horrible dialogue. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
indeed, the dialogue in the first movies was wonderful. from such epic moments as 'join me' and 'no seriously, do it, you'll be cool'. how could someone refuse such evidence to switch religious allegiance? Luke Skywalker was a stronger man than I could dream of.

WaywardFan said:
The penultimate example of this is the whole midichlorian mess. In one fell swoop, George managed to destroy the myth and the magic of the Force, reducing it to a scientific measurement of how many bugs were in your body. Excuse me?
ok, i can see where you might find a problem in mankind seeking explanation for the reason things happen. midichlorians are the way the star wars universe can be related to modern earth. it's a darwinian thing. they evolve, we evolve. i took solace in the midichlorians because it made me feel like Anakin was just one of us... only evil

Actually, that is plausible and accepted given the decay of the galaxy under the forming Empire, but that’s not really an area of contention. I don’t think anyone has a problem with the effects and action of either I or II. It is the story, and I disagree with you that it is the same ‘crap’ as before. I doubt anyone who consider the OT as crap, but you can find a whole lot of people who think the PT is crap. So, does that mean they are all wrong?
so basically, if the story was different, these two movies would have been great? seeing the great jedi battles, and watching as Anakin slowly becomes Vader, and how it's possibly Obiwan's fault... that's bad story? what about the origination of the storm troopers? i think it's good stuff, personally. freekin clones of the coolest bounty hunter? yes!

I think you bring up a good point, and obviously I can’t give a truly unbiased opinion as I did grow up with SW and fit in the mold which you propose. However, I can surmise based on what I know about the genre and myself and can say to the best of MY ability (for whatever that’s worth) that it is more than just being nostalgic. It’s not like we didn’t WANT the prequels to be awesome.
impossible to be unbiased. I don't live in the world of Star Wars. I didn't see episode 1 until a good month after it was released. I remember star wars being pretty cool. I personally like the concept of the Matrix better... just as an example of my personal outlook on the whole thing. as for failure, i don't think it's possible these movies could have succeeded to the 'hardcore fan'. to put it into perspective, Metallica was once upon a time my very fav. band in the world. once they cut their hair, they have sucked. horribly. Sometimes i wonder if it's youth lost, if it's passion, or if it's as simple as "well, it's not album X or album Y, so it's inferior".

Bob Chebat

The Silencer!
Jun 14, 2002
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Fountain Hills, AZ
I've been entertained by all five films, and that is really the bottom line. It is all fantasy, and despite the poor dialogue, the stories were well told. Don't like it? Fine. Write something better.

Many of the SW geeks I know went into Episodes I and II with very low expectations. Also, all those who have complained about those films STILL went to see them, and will still see Episode III. Unfortunately, they'll enter the theater expecting the worst, and will only see what is wrong.

Are these films worth $6.50-$8.00 for two hours or so? Leave reality at the door and yes, they certainly are.

I am disappointed in the decision to launch the original Trilogy not in their original format, but if Lucas didn't give the "fans" something to bitch about, they truly would not be happy. Or so it would seem.


Chickens can't clap!
Aug 10, 2002
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Mystic, CT
Bob Chebat said:
It is all fantasy, and despite the poor dialogue, the stories were well told. Don't like it? Fine. Write something better.

I really find it amusing when people bust out the "Do it yourself then" lines. I don't have to write a great screenplay to know a crappy one when I see it. EP 1 and 2 where horrible and not even entertaining. I won't be seeing 3 since I've learned my lesson shelling out cash only to be ripped off by the travesties that are EP 1 and 2. To see exactly how bad EP2 in particular is you have to compare it with another movie that came out right before it. Spiderman. While both movies had tortured heroes who were coming of age and involved in romance only one of the two did it well.

At any rate, I can't imagine the horror that will be 7,8,9. Honestly, I can only imagine what big bad evil force is defeated by teddy bears with sticks and logs and it will be without Harrison Ford's great one liners.

Cardinal Mike!!