I don't mean to rip or degrade your coach, staff, or team...This kinda reminds me of the 97 team...The team finished like 5th in the Pac? But won the national title...The problem player (grades) was Miles that season...
green machine said:I'm an intern for KGUN, and we cleaned up the email as best we could as far as grammar goes. Wow, reading the original set me back as a writer about 7 years I think.
MaoTosiFanClub said:
MaoTosiFanClub said:
This is probably the dumbest articles I have ever read by someone who is supposedly a legitimate journalist. For one, Doyel admits to ignoring what his sources in the Arizona program told him so that he could run with an unproven conspiracy theory. Secondly, his theory is ridiculously flawed. Let's go through this one step at a time:Russ Smith said:Here's an article that rips Lute for saying he might take Rodgers back.
From whatMao said he's got the timeline wrong.
MaoTosiFanClub said:I know Doyel has a point in that better players are given a longer leash at Arizona and Kentucky than marginal players. But the reality of college sports is that wins are the most valued commodity and that sometimes you have to put up with a headache player if he's going to help you win games. This is the case at every college in every sport. Singling out Arizona does not surprise me considering the source, but Doyel could have at least tried to make a sweeping statement regarding the matter and his point probably would have been taken more seriously. Solely targeting Lute and Tubby just makes him look like a vindictive hack.
You really don't think schools overlook indiscretions by important athletes for the sake of winning football games? Time to get your head out of the sand. Just in the last year I can think of a few examples when players who probably should have been booted off their teams yet have hung around because they could help win games. Loren Wade, Marcus Vick, Ernie Sims, Herschel Dennis, Rey Mauluga, Marcus Williams, Chris Rodgers, and Luther Head are just some examples off the top of my head who have been caught and incidents been reported.AZBALLER said:How so?
He's pointing out facts...isn't he?
I hate journalists most of the time (politics). According to your own words, ua basketball players can break the rules and get away with it...
You shouldn't group ALL schools into your opinion on higher education...what proof do you have? You use the statement "the case at every college in every sport" very losely...