Lutui waiting for his chance on line


Hall of Famer
Sep 22, 2003
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Lutui waiting for his chance on line
By Darren Urban, Tribune
September 22, 2006
Deuce Lutui had no expectations coming into his rookie season. The Cardinals’ second-round draft pick has watched the team’s offensive line merry-go-round since the beginning of training camp.

But the team never seriously considered dropping the guard into the lineup, and he didn’t worry about it either.

“I’m on standby,” Lutui said. “I am waiting to get called.”

The Cards will have their third different offensive line in three games Sunday. Right tackle Oliver Ross, who hurt his knee the second day of training camp and underwent surgery, finally returns to the starting lineup. Reggie Wells moves back to his left guard spot, and Arizona will have the offensive line it envisioned in the offseason.

Leonard Davis is at left tackle, Alex Stepanovich at center and Milford Brown at right guard.

“Hopefully,” coach Dennis Green said, “we will have it for a while and it will be productive.”

Lutui, obviously, will wait.

The Mesa High graduate may have been a high draft choice, but he stepped into a situation where there was no immediate need at his position. The Cardinals signed Brown, and the team matched Buffalo’s offer sheet to keep Wells.

Wells is the team’s most versatile lineman; he played right tackle in Seattle and has played everywhere on the line in his career. Since Lutui’s natural spot is left guard, it's possible Wells will eventually move to center to get Lutui on the field.

When Ross was still injured, the Cardinals used Lutui with the first unit a couple of times in practice, moving Wells to right tackle.

Green said Lutui, who is better as a run blocker, has made progress and that he “hopefully” will get playing time at some point. Offensive line coach Steve Loney said he wouldn’t hesitate putting Lutui in a game, but with the line’s inconsistency thus far, the Cardinals can’t afford to risk Lutui’s youthful mistakes on game days.

“I hope, at least from my standpoint, I am always into playing the best five linemen,” Loney said. “But from my perspective, if you are trying to get a unit settled down, experience probably helps more than anything.”

The Cardinals still are learning about Lutui as a player. He may have hurt his chance a little in training camp because he hasn’t practiced as well as he played in preseason games.

“He doesn’t show too much in practice, but he gets the job done,” Davis said with a chuckle. “Sometimes, he looks a little suspect, but when it’s time to play the game, he’s right on point.”

The Cards have to find more sure things along the line. Quarterback Kurt Warner has been sacked eight times already. Running back Edgerrin James has averaged only 3.1 yards a carry, with 137 yards on 44 attempts.

When he came to the Cardinals, a constantly shuffled offensive line “was one of my concerns,” James said.

“I saw they had all different people all over the place (last year),” James added. “Until this week, we had the same thing (this year). I think we all agree, you put in the guys and ride out with it, not move guys all around. That’s what we are going to do now and it will pay off.”

That means Lutui will sit on the bench, learning much like college teammate Matt Leinart is at quarterback.

“As far as getting a shot, I know by getting better it will take care of itself,” Lutui said. “I didn’t really have any thoughts of getting in right away. It’s a learning experience; I am a rookie.

“Right now I am comfortable with the coaches and players, and they’ve done a great job shaping and forming me.”
Contact Darren Urban by email, or phone (480) 898-6525


Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
it's possible Wells will eventually move to center to get Lutui on the field.
We keep hearing about this from everyone except the Cardinals. Is it just wild speculation and unfounded rumor? Or, is there merit to the notion from within the organization?

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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I guess the bad thing from that article is the comments about Lutui in practice but that wasn't exactly unknown before the draft, that was one of his reputations that he was a better game player than a practice player. Hopefully he'll realize he's got to work harder in the NFL than he did in college if he wants to play, that's not all that unusual so many kids just dominate on talent in college that they don't take practice seriously.

I like what Edge is doing he's basically putting it out there with Green and Loney you guys need to stop tinkering and put the OL in and leave it alone. One gets the impression he's doing it on purpose because he was told when we recruited him here that we were going to improve the OL and do things the right way and he wants to make sure he holds us to that?

football karma

Michael snuggles the cap space
Jul 22, 2002
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A couple thoughts:

I read a story about Duece where the scale at Snow JC only went up to something like 350 lbs -- so he assumed he was at 350 or so.

He got to USC and found that his weight was up around 380+. Coaches said that is way to high -- so he lost the weight -- down to his current playing weight of 330 or so.

What I like about the story is that it tells me that he has discipline and is willing to work to achieve goals.

Being the optimist -- I also think that this year's draft also marks a turning point for the roster.

Drafting the best player available is easy when your roster has so many holes that any player you pick will fill a need -- but eventually the roster will get to the point when the best player doesnt fill an immediate need.

That's okay, because that is where quality depth comes from, and it how teams like the Steelers can let players go and plug some 4th round draft choice from two years ago in the spot and not miss a beat.


Apr 1, 2005
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I have no idea why no one complains about LD. His fat butt has been just as much of an embarassment as the rest of them.


Jun 10, 2002
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Slacker said:
I have no idea why no one complains about LD. His fat butt has been just as much of an embarassment as the rest of them.

That's all this board does is complain about LD.

Davis dominates people for 30 plays then he just screws up a play by missing a blitz or jumping early and then he goes back to dominating people for another 30.

Focus on his play sometime. Watch how he knocks guys 5 yards off the LOS. How he resets to maintain leverage when a pass rusher starts to get inside on him. Watch him knock guys down with one arm. Watch the DE give up and do the Macarena at the LOS because he knows he can't get by Leonard.

Then watch Leonard move early. And the whole process starts over again.

My only concern is that he's started trying to body block defenders. I don't know where that came from.

football karma

Michael snuggles the cap space
Jul 22, 2002
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Slacker said:
I have no idea why no one complains about LD. His fat butt has been just as much of an embarassment as the rest of them.

I read somewhere that Big does all his offseason training at one of those specialized outfits in Tempe -- and that his body fat % is something ridiculously low for a man his size


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
Duckjake said:
That's all this board does is complain about LD.

Davis dominates people for 30 plays then he just screws up a play by missing a blitz or jumping early and then he goes back to dominating people for another 30.

Focus on his play sometime. Watch how he knocks guys 5 yards off the LOS. How he resets to maintain leverage when a pass rusher starts to get inside on him. Watch him knock guys down with one arm. Watch the DE give up and do the Macarena at the LOS because he knows he can't get by Leonard.

Then watch Leonard move early. And the whole process starts over again.

My only concern is that he's started trying to body block defenders. I don't know where that came from.

Sorry Duck but I have keyed in on LD many times and in many games. He just isnt the dominating player you are making him out to be. Why dont we run very well off LT? He will dominate at times. But its hardly at the rate you make it. If that were true he would be considered elite and he just isnt there.


Jun 10, 2002
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Shane H said:
Sorry Duck but I have keyed in on LD many times and in many games. He just isnt the dominating player you are making him out to be. Why dont we run very well off LT? He will dominate at times. But its hardly at the rate you make it. If that were true he would be considered elite and he just isnt there.

We must be seeing things differently. I just watched the 3rd and 4th Quarters of the Seattle game and BIGG was blocking his guy 5 yards downfield. Most of the time on pass plays his guy didn't come anywhere close to Warner or didn't even bother to rush. On one play he head butted a guy and knocked him backwards 3 feet.

He isn't considered elite because the Cardinals have been awful, he gets beat too often by LB's lining up way outside and running around him, but teams can't do that too often or the Cards will exploit the hole the wide set leaves, has had a bunch of false starts the last two seasons and blocks inside ocassionaly when he should be staying put. But head up on a LB or DE he just dominates them.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
Duckjake said:
We must be seeing things differently. I just watched the 3rd and 4th Quarters of the Seattle game and BIGG was blocking his guy 5 yards downfield. Most of the time on pass plays his guy didn't come anywhere close to Warner or didn't even bother to rush. On one play he head butted a guy and knocked him backwards 3 feet.

He isn't considered elite because the Cardinals have been awful, he gets beat too often by LB's lining up way outside and running around him, but teams can't do that too often or the Cards will exploit the hole the wide set leaves, has had a bunch of false starts the last two seasons and blocks inside ocassionaly when he should be staying put. But head up on a LB or DE he just dominates them.

Once again if he is dominating his players and they are getting pushed so far down field why then when we run to his spot on the field are our RBs constantly getting little yardage?


Jun 10, 2002
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Shane H said:
Once again if he is dominating his players and they are getting pushed so far down field why then when we run to his spot on the field are our RBs constantly getting little yardage?

I just watched 18 4th quarter plays against Seattle. The two times the Cards ran to the left with no success LD was assigned to block down on the DT rather than block the DE. Bergen,Lewinskie and others were unable to clear the outside. On one of those runs BIGG blocked the DT from the Cards left hash mark to the right hash mark.

They had a 12yd and an 8 yard gain to the left side during those 18 plays. On the 8 yard run the guy, #56, that LD was blocking helped make the tackle after BIGG had blocked him that far downfield. On another run BIGG took #94 completely out of the play allowing EJ to cut back for a 5 yard gain. On the 12 yard gain BIGG blocked #98 3 yards out of the hole.

Of the 18 plays BIGGS man came nowhere near the RB or QB 14 times and I'm talking yards not feet.

Three of the 4 where they did:

One: LD took #98 around Warner 10 yards behind the LOS where #98 fell to the ground. Warner after about 4-5 seconds with no one to throw to takes off out of the pocket and trips over #98.

Two: BIGG sealed off the DT but only made a so so block and the DT was able to get onto the pile after James had been hit by RDT Bernard and Tatupu. The third was the 8 yard gain above where the guy was blocked 8 yards backward.

On the QB sneak BIGG knocked Tatupu backwards off the pile. You could see Tatupu say something to BIGG after the play. Probably "why are you guys trying to run out the clock?"

And finally on the last of the 18 plays BIGG, after having a dominating 4th quarter, got suckered by #55 and ruined it all.


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Jul 11, 2002
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Plainfield, Il.
Duckjake said:
I just watched 18 4th quarter plays against Seattle. The two times the Cards ran to the left with no success LD was assigned to block down on the DT rather than block the DE. Bergen,Lewinskie and others were unable to clear the outside. On one of those runs BIGG blocked the DT from the Cards left hash mark to the right hash mark.

They had a 12yd and an 8 yard gain to the left side during those 18 plays. On the 8 yard run the guy, #56, that LD was blocking helped make the tackle after BIGG had blocked him that far downfield. On another run BIGG took #94 completely out of the play allowing EJ to cut back for a 5 yard gain. On the 12 yard gain BIGG blocked #98 3 yards out of the hole.

Of the 18 plays BIGGS man came nowhere near the RB or QB 14 times and I'm talking yards not feet.

Three of the 4 where they did:

One: LD took #98 around Warner 10 yards behind the LOS where #98 fell to the ground. Warner after about 4-5 seconds with no one to throw to takes off out of the pocket and trips over #98.

Two: BIGG sealed off the DT but only made a so so block and the DT was able to get onto the pile after James had been hit by RDT Bernard and Tatupu. The third was the 8 yard gain above where the guy was blocked 8 yards backward.

On the QB sneak BIGG knocked Tatupu backwards off the pile. You could see Tatupu say something to BIGG after the play. Probably "why are you guys trying to run out the clock?"

And finally on the last of the 18 plays BIGG, after having a dominating 4th quarter, got suckered by #55 and ruined it all.

Lets just hope Big doesn't get hurt, because if he does the naysayers will then see what they're missing.


Jun 10, 2002
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slanidrac16 said:
Lets just hope Big doesn't get hurt, because if he does the naysayers will then see what they're missing.

There may be somebody who could make the blocks ok but not the way LD manhandles defenders. It's just fun to watch.


Superbowl, Homeboy!
May 14, 2002
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Expat in Kuala Lumpur
Shane H said:
Sorry Duck but I have keyed in on LD many times and in many games. He just isnt the dominating player you are making him out to be. Why dont we run very well off LT? He will dominate at times. But its hardly at the rate you make it. If that were true he would be considered elite and he just isnt there.

Big seals everything in the tackle box on basicly every single running play to the left. He looks great doing that. It's Wakefield, Bergen or Brown/Wells on the pull that misses. How about learning the basic about the blocking scheme before you rip him?

Big is a new Leon Lett. Plays at a Pro-bowl level 98% of all plays, but the last 2% defines his entire career.


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Las Vegas
BACH said:

Big seals everything in the tackle box on basicly every single running play to the left. He looks great doing that. It's Wakefield, Bergen or Brown/Wells on the pull that misses. How about learning the basic about the blocking scheme before you rip him?

Big is a new Leon Lett. Plays at a Pro-bowl level 98% of all plays, but the last 2% defines his entire career.


Oh excuse me. Your saying it so it must be true. I didnt know you knew the Cardinals schemes. :notworthy


Superbowl, Homeboy!
May 14, 2002
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Expat in Kuala Lumpur
Shane H said:

Oh excuse me. Your saying it so it must be true. I didnt know you knew the Cardinals schemes. :notworthy
I don't. And never said that I did.

BUT I did spend more than 10 seconds trying to figure what the players were supposed to do in the scheme before drawing conclusions about the run blocking of specific players.

Big plays LT with the DE usually playing off him. Unless Big makes the wrong block every single run play, that means he has to seal everything INSIDE with a pull or TE making the block OUTSIDE. Big dominates every time he hasto make that block.

So when you're saying Big is responsible for the lack of running room on the outside, then IMO 1. You haven't watch the game with detail to the OL 2. You lack basic knowledge of blocking schemes 3. You're ripping Big's play based on reasons other than his actual performance 4. All of the above.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
BACH said:
I don't. And never said that I did.

BUT I did spend more than 10 seconds trying to figure what the players were supposed to do in the scheme before drawing conclusions about the run blocking of specific players.

Big plays LT with the DE usually playing off him. Unless Big makes the wrong block every single run play, that means he has to seal everything INSIDE with a pull or TE making the block OUTSIDE. Big dominates every time he hasto make that block.

So when you're saying Big is responsible for the lack of running room on the outside, then IMO 1. You haven't watch the game with detail to the OL 2. You lack basic knowledge of blocking schemes 3. You're ripping Big's play based on reasons other than his actual performance 4. All of the above.

Your right I guess. It must be someone else who watches these games on gameday and then at least two more times during the week and watches LD be very inconsistent(albeit moreso in passing situations).

But LD is perfect he is a PB LT who consistently gets jobbed every year by not making it over "that guy" in Seattle. He is a dominating force who always has his head in the game and doesnt deserve the "Leon Lett" type of treatment.


Superbowl, Homeboy!
May 14, 2002
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Expat in Kuala Lumpur
Shane H said:
Your right I guess. It must be someone else who watches these games on gameday and then at least two more times during the week and watches LD be very inconsistent(albeit moreso in passing situations).

But LD is perfect he is a PB LT who consistently gets jobbed every year by not making it over "that guy" in Seattle. He is a dominating force who always has his head in the game and doesnt deserve the "Leon Lett" type of treatment.
The only problem is....This thread is (or has turned into) a discussion of Big's ability to run block. Not about his pass-protection, not about the false starts. RUN-BLOCKING!

So when you're calling out Big as a terrible run-blocking it's not my fault that you can't seperate the run-blocks from the false starts and struggles in pass-protection.
Last edited:


Draft Man
Sep 14, 2002
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North Carolina
Duckjake said:
That's all this board does is complain about LD.

Davis dominates people for 30 plays then he just screws up a play by missing a blitz or jumping early and then he goes back to dominating people for another 30.

Focus on his play sometime. Watch how he knocks guys 5 yards off the LOS. How he resets to maintain leverage when a pass rusher starts to get inside on him. Watch him knock guys down with one arm. Watch the DE give up and do the Macarena at the LOS because he knows he can't get by Leonard.

Then watch Leonard move early. And the whole process starts over again.

My only concern is that he's started trying to body block defenders. I don't know where that came from.

Your right on about BIG. He is by far our best o-lineman and one of the better tackles in the league. If he can cut down on the false starts this year it will go along way to helping his reputation.