AZ Native
Living is Easy with Eyes Closed
He didn't remove a tracking device he was supposed to wear, but he drive drive a vehicle without the interlock system required.
After a few days on radio, with Candy doing TV, Gonzo is back doing color commentary on TV.I'd love to hear more Gonzo on the radio, seems to tell it more like it is
From what I have heard, AA is an ongoing commitment -- a support group that must be attended on a regular basis to be effective. If Grace continues to spend half of each baseball season living out of hotels, not only would temptations for "adult beverages" be overwhelming, but continuity would be difficult.
I, too, wish him the best . . . doing color commentary for Chicago Cub home games.
Mark Grace has shown the mentality of an adolescent. He needs to change his routine to assure that he is not going to kill someone with his drunken driving.
Especially after his second offense, in which he removed the tracking device he was supposed to wear. That was premeditated behavior and should not be taken lightly.
LOL!!!!!!!!!! You are such a jerk sometimes. Let's just make stuff up to support my case that Mark Grace is the devil. Yes he has some personal issues to work through, maybe you are perfect in life and don't have the tolerance for others mistakes. You have made you opinion very well known to everyone on this board. If you dislike so many of the decisions from the Diamondbacks, go be a Red Sox fan.
I for one enjoyed Grace and Sutton broadcast and since they have been replaced, I really do find the games terribly boring. I can tell that you are not the type to take anything less seriously than a heart attack, so of course a GAME should be zero fun at all. I can tell you now, that if they don't bring those guys back, they don't have anywhere near the answer on their current staff.
Aren't we all . . . sometimes? BTW, I stopped reading your post right after that. You don't respect others' opinions, huh?LOL!!!!!!!!!! You are such a jerk sometimes.
Confirmed. Arrested last night with expired registration, driving on suspended license, driving without interlock device (from his previous DUI). Blood drawn and Aggravated DUI charges pending results.
(1) Over the legal limitConfirmed. Arrested last night with expired registration, driving on suspended license, driving without interlock device (from his previous DUI). Blood drawn and Aggravated DUI charges pending results.
I miss Gracie and Sutton. I like schulte but Not Gonzo. Gonzo was a great player but not sure about him as a broadcaster.
Of course aggravated DUI charges are sought. That is part of getting the first DUI. If you are caught for another DUI in 7 years you get aggravated, doesnt help that he didnt have the interlock. Aggravated is a felony and he is looking at prison time, not just 24 hours in the tents this time. When you have that kind of money I dont understand what compels you to drive. Get a guy in a freaking towncar to pick you up. COME ON MAN!!!
I somehow afford the $20 cab ride every time I go out and pick up my car the next day.
Could be worse...there is always Jeff Munn
Dbacks radio is so boring and hard to listen to now I actually change the channel for the game.
However, if I had trouble sleeping, I would highly recommend listening to monotone boring ass Jeff Munn.
(1) Over the legal limit
(2) Expired registration
(3) Suspended license
(4) Removed interlock device from previous DUI
That's the golden sombrero. His driving drunk may or may not necessarily have been premeditated, but the expired registration, suspended license and driving without the interlock device sure were.
He is a dis-Grace, as someone posted in response to the ABC article. And a danger to innocent people. That's not to be taken lightly.
Once again you are assuming...maybe your mother never taught you what that means. Where is your proof that he "removed" the interlock device. Do you think this is just a little switch you turn off, lol! These things are installed at an auto shop and have GPS and cellular connectivity. You can't just take them off. Of course far be it from me to try to convince the know it all.
Maybe, just maybe it wasn't premeditated as you accuse, but was BORROWING a car from someone who didn't have a device or tags on the car. I know he did something stupid, but don't you think if you know you don't have current tags, that you might be a sore thumb out on the roads?
Borrowing a car without an interlock seems pretty pre-meditated to me.
Drunk, fat and stupid is no way to go through life, Mr. Grace.
He needs jail time.