He better do a damn sight better than the Loki hacks.xc_hide_links_from_guests_guests_error_hide_media
Marvel may have ultimately dodged a bullet here. How imposing could Kang The Conquerer be if he was conquered by Ant-Man in the movies AND Loki on TV? How many more second tier heroes were going to beat Kang or some variant of him before we were supposed to fear him so much it would necessitate a mass Avengers team up to beat him?xc_hide_links_from_guests_guests_error_hide_media
I want more of her show, not more of her wasted in these movies. Like, she's a great actress and character but the Marvels was BLECHxc_hide_links_from_guests_guests_error_hide_media
Hilarious that his last name is blocked.Alan *******
Holy crap this movie might break 2 billion LOL