I am guessing average size. I have a feeling it’s going to be a switcharoo type scenario with different Earths coming into play or time travel using one of the stones. They may kill off a character or two but something tells me it won't be mass carnage.
I will be PISSED if time travel or different earths is the get out of jail free card for a major death in these movies. They've played the fake out death just one too many times at this point, IMO.
It's weak... and quite frankly, lazy writing. Not that most of the viewing public would care. But as a writer, it's a little insulting. Everyone involved in these movies is making a BAJILLION dollars. It would be nice if they actually had the stones and spent their time earning it.
It's why I love TDK so much. That movie had FREAKING BALLS. They killed Batman's beloved... and actually made it his HIS fault because he bought the Joker's plan. That gave SERIOUS STAKES for the emotion throughout the movie. It gave Alfred a truly questionable thing to do, burning the letter from Rachel and then had the balls to PAY THAT OFF in the next movie, calling that moment back for Alfred to give a hail mary to stop Batman from facing Bane and then irrevocably destroying their relationship. Sure... it cheated out a little at the end, but it still made for REALLY great emotional scenes that gave weight to the trilogy.
I know Marvel travels in a different sphere from the Nolan-verse, but they have a chance to elevate their universe in this movie. They've built up a baddie that's taken 20 MOVIES to get to. To undercut him with a fake-out death would just feel super cheap to me.