I'd like another strong frontcourt player as much as the rest of you, but Maurice Taylor isn't the right player. I dealt the Phoenix Suns have considered him at all.
Joe, I have very little doubt that Eric and you are probably right that Taylor isn't the right player. However, right now I'm looking at adding only the 14th player to the Suns roster. If you can add a better big frontcourt player on the cheap, I'll take him.
So if no Taylor or Ely... what about Jahidi White. Now you have to admit that Jahidi gives the
"appearance" of being physically intimidating. I'm not sure what his status is with Charlotte??? I'm throwing some of these names out here with a little tongue and cheek as I know how some of the fans on this board really dislike some of these players.
Anyway, I still want a banger for the Suns. How about the undersized Marcus Fizer if he becomes available.
To put this post in perspective, I am so glad I can just talk about the Suns with my football teams going down the tubes. It's good to be able to mentally tinker with adding a 14th player to a Championship caliber basketball team.
I think we can all agree on this. How about if the Suns just extend Diaw, then Amare and the rest of the Suns stay healthy.