Booker, the team leader, was A+ a few years ago, he was the guy having almost the entire team spend the off season together, playing scrimmages and working out together to build chemistry. I think that played a huge factor in our turnaround as a franchise.
NBA players have always idolized the previous generation. Yeah, KD is not someone I think is worthy of looking up to... but Booker does, as do a ton of players, I don't think Kobe was worth looking up to either, for a ton of reasons, but the entire league has canonized him.
I've seen Booker play with passion and be an exemplary leader, I've also recently seen him say "We chillin" when the season was circling the drain.
I certainly don't like the direction he's trended, but I also don't think he's a weak minded imbecile.
Toxic players drag everyone down... and IMO, Durant is toxic... he's also glorified and the coaching staff made him completely unaccountable, which makes his toxicity even more potent.