I have heard bits and pieces of BaBo's self-righteous, arrogant media event today, and here's what I think:
When the Giants come to BOB this summer, every time Bonds steps to the plate, D-Back fans should hold up big asterisk signs - like the Circle K signs we had for RJ, for Schill.
Just my opinion - he has great hand-eye coordination, superb strike zone control, excellent speed - but his main claim to fame, his claim to being 'the greatest player ever,' and where he puts his supersized ego, has been the ridiculous HR total - and THAT has been falsely augmented. He would have been a superb baseball player clean, but perhaps not 'the greatest ever.' And too damn bad if he made it impossible for us to know how good he REALLY is.
The thing he has become is inflated, and needs to have a big freakin' hole punched in it. Let DBack fans be the ones to start the process.