Movie-A-Day #225: The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension


Going Old School!
Supporting Member
Jun 24, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ
I am doing one of my favorite obscure films from the early 80s... I admit that I havent seen it in its entirety for several years, but it has always been one of the most memorable movies I've ever seen:

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Editorial Reviews essential video
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the 8th Dimension is one of the most agreeably insane movies ever made. Peter Weller stars as Buckaroo, an acclaimed neurosurgeon, particle physicist, and, of course, rock star. He travels with the Hong Kong Cavaliers, a band of hard-rocking scientists who are also really good dressers. Buckaroo's interdimensional experiments with his Operation Overthruster throw him (and the Earth) straight into the middle of an alien war, and before you know it, he's got just a few hours to save the world. Confused? Hang on, we're only 10 minutes into the movie. Buckaroo Banzai hurls you right into the middle of its comic-book universe and keeps going at a breakneck pace. It's chock-full of overlapping jokes (even as we're trying to make sense of Dr. Lizardo's hospital room, a voice calmly announces that "lithium is no longer available on credit" over the PA system), hilarious throwaway dialogue ("You're like Jerry Lewis: you give me hope to carry on."), and weirdness just for the sheer joy of it ("Why is there a watermelon there?" "I'll tell you later."). You'll want to watch it at least twice--there's just no way to catch everything the first time around. Ellen Barkin has a terrific time doing a dead-on film noir moll parody as Penny Priddy, and John Lithgow turns in a brilliant manic performance as Dr. Lizardo/John Whorfin. There is no reason not to own this movie unless you are cold and dead inside. Laugh while you can, Monkey Boys. --Ali Davis --This text refers to the VHS Tape edition.

Personal Reaction: It definitely was a cult-classic film that you indeed do need a keen sense of humor to grasp most/if all the humor, and believe me... My humor is as twisted as many which is why this film always appealed to me... Similar to "Revenge of the Nerds", I first saw this movie when I was quite young, so didnt understand the meaning of most of the references, but as I got older I gradually got a better understanding...Therefore, the film naturally became more clever to me in the process...

Peter Weller put on quite a brilliant performance in the lead role and Christopher Lloyd was as hysterical was you would expect him to be... I must confess that I'm not a major fan of John Lithgow, but his role really stuck-out in this movie as well...Jeff Goldblum and Ellen Barkin both exhibited their fine talents of delivering some of the most witty dialgoue ever captured in a motion picture....

Here's some of that dialogue:

Rawhide: "Dr. Banzai is using a laser to vaporize a pineal tumor without damaging the parthogenital plate. A subcutaneous microphone will allow the patient to transmit verbal instructions to his own brain.
Observer: Like, "raise my left arm"?"
Rawhide: "Or "throw the harpoon." People are gonna come from all over. This boy's an Eskimo."

Perfect Tommy: "Pictures don't lie."
Reno: "The hell they don't. I met my first wife that way."

"Buckaroo Banzai: Let her out.
Female Prisoner: Hey, me too.
Perfect Tommy: Let her out?
Buckaroo Banzai: That's right, let her out. I'll be responsible.
Perfect Tommy: But she's a killer.
Buckaroo Banzai: No, she's not. Now, let her out and give her your coat.
Perfect Tommy: Why me?
Buckaroo Banzai: Because you're perfect.
Perfect Tommy: You have a point there."

There are several more classic quotes, however, those stood out the most to me.... It's a must-see for those who have never seen it before... "Buckaroo Banzai" despite being released in theatres over 20-years ago is still fresh today because the allure of this film was ahead of its time... .

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